in my head

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Minho's POV

Even tho me and jisung was getting closer

Something didnt felt right

Something was wrong

"Minho hyung"

"Yes innie?"

"We are going to the amusement park do you want to come? Jisungie will be there"
He said while wiggling his eyebrows

I rolled my eyes


"Hyung please?" He looked at me with puppy eyes

"No is a no jeongin."

He got up and he stormed out of the room

I heard a voice from the distance

"Is he coming? No why?"

Now I heard footsteps coming to my room

Someone opened the door and it was not other than

Han jisung

"What?" I looked at him and raised my brow

"Why aren't you coming?"

"Cuz I dont want to"

"That's not a good excuse" he was mad?

"I don't actually care"

Something wasn't right he hates me now he wants me

It actually scared me no it was wrong

He hates me

Doesnt he

"Please *he grabed my hand and intertwined our fingers* please" he had teary eyes

"Dont cry I will come" I patted his head and I pulled him closer

I kissed his nose and

He grabed my wrist and pulled me out of my room

"He is coming"

"REALLY HYUNG" jeongin yelled

Everyone was smiling

"Yea yea he convinced me to come"

Uuu next chapter will be fun ig

Love you~

I F**king Hate You || minsung ffWhere stories live. Discover now