【「Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17」】

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Can ya'll tell I'm loosing ideas and or motivation? No? Whatever. But since I have zero ideas that isn't cringy... I'll be remaking a angst chapter in my old as fuck NDRV3 Chatfic. I promise it'll be way better :/ also, Kokichi's foster parents are still alive.

Also!! I know I said I'll update every Wednesday but... Eh, you'll get another update on Wednesday so look forward to that! Anyways, enjoy! ^^
[Kokichi Angst.]
–⁕[Kokichi Ouma's P.O.V;]
April 3rd, 2:30AM.

I was asked to go to my foster parents home... For a quote on quote talk. But, it lead to a beating... A beating I know all too well. My foster parents used to beat me so brutally when I was younger. My foster dad had a knife and my foster mother was holding me down while my father beat me up and left scars on my face, arms, and legs. "Shut up you lying brat. I don't even know why we adopted you!" My father yelled at me, but my mind was screaming at me more loudly then any type of sound I've ever heard.

"We should have just left you in that stupid orphanage to rot, you disgusting, poor, stupid, excuse." My foster mother also yelled at me, I felt. So. Much. Pain. I wanted to scream out my lungs. I wanted to scream my vocal cords out, I just wanted to scream. But I couldn't. My mouth was duck taped, shut. After hours of fucking torture. They finally left, I somehow, from the luck of god, was able to have enough strength to call 110.
(Note: I don't know how the police number or Police in general work in Japan.)
"Greetings, 110 how may I help you?" The voice on the phone said, "H-Help... I'm severely i-injured..." I said, it could barely be heard "Where are you currently?" They asked, "Bitch Street, house 420" I responded telling the dispatcher my address. "Alright, what are your injuries?" They asked, I felt I was going pass out any second now. "Open scars and injuries on my face.. arms.. and.. legs.. please send an ambulance immediately..." I said after passing out.

I was in a dark void... All around me was just... Emptiness... It felt like years passed but in reality... It had only passed 2-3 weeks. "Ah! Mister Ouma!" I heard a nurse call out, "W-whe-" before I could even say a word I started to cough, the nurse started to worried and grabbed a paper towel, she then passed it to me and I coughed on the paper towel. After a while.. the paper towel had way too much blood...
(Note: Hol' up... Kokichi is Kaito confirmed?!!1!!11 but that's just a theory.. a GAME THEORY!! I AM SO SORRY YOU HAD TO READ MY BAD HUMOR.)
"Alright, Now would you want an explanation?.." the nurse asked me, I nodded, "Well, you were found laying in your own blood 3 days ago, Your legs, arms, and face was covered with scars..." The nurse explained, I was mildly shocked..

--- Few weeks passed ---
May 16th, 5:24PM

It's been a few weeks since the incident happened... I'm currently staying in a hotel... I had my phone, but I don't feel like texting the groupchat... Ughh, Whatever. It's not like they'll be worried I've been gone for so long...

Finally accepting the truth?


Your life is just a waste of space.

You should kill yourself! No one would miss you!! Haha!!

Stupid, idiot, dumbasses, no one likes you, Saihara hates you, no one cares about you.

Shut up! Sai- Shuichi doesn't hate me...!!

Awe!... The crybaby is gonna cry! How fucking pathetic.

How can Ludenberg and Toujo even tolerate your annoying behaviour?


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