【「Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1」】

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Hey! Yuzu here, before you start reading this, sorry if the usernames hurts your eyes, but I find them cute! So yeah. And don't think this is gonna make any shit type of sense. Just go along with the fuckery in this chatfic.




🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹 Has made a groupchat.
🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹 Has invited 14 students.

🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹,🎭📍✄Tsumugi✄✂️🎭,🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁, & 1 other is online.

🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹: Hey @everyone!

🔎💙࿊Shuichi࿊💙🔍: Huh? What's this?

🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹: A groupchat dummy!

🎭📍✄Tsumugi✄✂️🎭: Yeah, me, Kaede and Kokichi made this groupchat to talk with eachother :3

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: Yup~

☄️🌟★Kaito✮🌟☄️ Is online.

☄️🌟★Kaito✮🌟☄️: Hey guys! What's this about?

🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹: Just to talk with everyone!

☄️🌟★Kaito✮🌟☄️: Oh cool!

🔎💙࿊Shuichi࿊💙🔍: Nice idea Akamatsu.

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔 Is online.

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: I just got back from my training and I see this.

☄️🌟★Kaito✮🌟☄️: Hey Makiroll!!

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: Don't call me Makiroll, I already told you this a million times.

🌿🥑♢Rantaro♢🥑🌿 Is online.

🌿🥑♢Rantaro♢🥑🌿: Hey everyone. Also what's with the usernames?

🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹: I don't know, I can't change it for some reason.

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: I gotta go! Bye~ ;p

🔎💙࿊Shuichi࿊💙🔍: Bye Ouma.

🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹: Bye! ^^

🎭📍✄Tsumugi✄✂️🎭: Cya!

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁 Is offline.

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: I hate him so much.

🔎💙࿊Shuichi࿊💙🔍: Why? I mean, I get he's annoying but hate is a strong word.

☄️🌟★Kaito✮🌟☄️: I'm with Makiroll, he just causes trouble!

🎹🎼♪Kaede♬🎼🎹: Alright, alright! Let's not argue.

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