【「Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9」】

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Ahhh- So I deleted the last part, cause it didn't really make sense for this AU. So yeah :') and for this one, this is gonna have some plot for Saiouma- so yeah :'))))

H e l l.

🏁💜𖣯DepressedGrape⚃💜🏁 Is Online.

🏁💜𖣯DepressedGrape⚃💜🏁: Hhhhhhh--

🏁💜𖣯DepressedGrape⚃💜🏁: Ahajdhkealshrlehalkspdm

💔🔪♤KillerQueen♤🔪💔 Is Online.

💔🔪♤KillerQueen♤🔪💔: Stop. Shut up.

🏁💜𖣯DepressedGrape⚃💜🏁: Aha. N o.

💔🔪♤KillerQueen♤🔪💔: Do you wanna d i e.

🏁💜𖣯DepressedGrape⚃💜🏁: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. You'll never know.

💔🔪♤KillerQueen♤🔪💔: I- @🔎💙EmoMCRDetective💙🔍 come get your Boyfriend, he's being depressed AF.

🔎💙࿊EmoMCRDetective࿊💙🔍 Is Online.

🔎💙࿊EmoMCRDetective࿊💙🔍: He's n o t my boyfriend--- and I'm coming over Ouma.

🏁💜𖣯DepressedGrape⚃💜🏁: Hhnnngghhhh- fineeeeeeeeeee

💔🔪♤KillerQueen♤🔪💔: 😒

🏁💜𖣯DepressedGrape⚃💜🏁: Shut up-


Ouma's P.O.V】:

Edit: Hi, this is an edit from 2021. I forgot about this fic for a good year, and I remember I based this chapter off of the Chatfic made by shuichistoes I'm sorry I took inspiration from their Chatfic and didn't credit. Apologies, and I'm pretty sure this will be the only edit if I remember anything else that was inspired by someone's elses Chatfic, I'll log back in and edit it. If the creator wants me to take this chapter down, I'll do so ^^; but anyways, that's all! Bye-bye :)

I was having a bit of a mental breakdown due to not sleeping, and I was just too tired. I couldn't even speak verbally in English.

"Hey, Kokichi? Can I come in?"

I heard Shuichi ask, "Siii, la puerta esta abierto!" (Translation: Yeeeah, the doors open!!) Luckily for me, Shuichi knew Spanish. "Have you been taking care of yourself lately?" He asks, "No, tengo un fiebre, y estoy cansado,,," (Translation: No, I have a fever, and I'm tired.) I responded. He quickly picks me up —bridal style— And put me on my checkered pattern bed. I was on my side, he then left and returned with an ice packet, some soup made by Kirumom, and some water. "No quiero tomar supaa!!1!1!" (Translation: I don't wanna drink soup!!1!1!) I, yelled quietly-ish. I hated the taste of soup, except for few exceptions— Though, Shuichi still fed me the soup. "Hmph! Tienes suerte yo te ame .. " (Translation: Hmph! You're lucky I love you..) after a few seconds, I realized what I said, and my face started to heat up a bit on the outside while my brain was going: AHHHHAHSJDHSHHAKAHDLSHALZBSLABAKAH. "Uhm-- Did- did you actually mean that?.." he asks, genuinely. "T-Tal vez, tal vez n-no." (Translation: M-Maybe, Maybe n-not..) He covered his face with his hand, while giggling a bit. At this point I had a bit of energy "Hey!! It's not funny!!" I said, while pouting. —"You're so cute.."— he mumbled something, what did he say? "Hmmm? What did you say??" I asked, "N-Nothing. Just take the soup already.." he asked- well more so, said. "Finee.." I said with a bratty child like tone.

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