【「Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3」】

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Wooooshhhhh!! Another chapter let's a go! >:333 Also, I put some of my headcanons of Kokichi in this chatfic, sooo yeah! ^^ ANYWAYS- I'm gonna rant, again.

Why the fuck does school give us homework. What service does it do!?! LIKE- ALL IT DOES IS MAKE US CRY, TIRED, AND WANT TO DIE. it takes away our time of being children, teenagers, etc! What if we have to take care of our siblings when our parents are away, what if we have jobs, what if we have to help our parents with legit anything. Homework takes away our time that we could be using for the better for fuck sakes. That's one of the fucking reasons why I hate school. My god. Anyways, Hope you enjoy! ^^


🌟💛✟Angie✟💛🌟 Is online.

💛✟Angie✟💛🌟: Nyahahaha! May I ask, whom the fuck stole my paint brushes!(•ᴗ•)

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁 Is online.

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: Totally not me~ or was it me?~ (◠‿◕)~

🌟💛✟Angie✟💛🌟: If you did, I will break you in half. ◉‿◉

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: Okay- Okay- I'm sorry! (・_・;)

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔 Is online.

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: It was Amami.

🌿🥑♢Rantaro♢🥑🌿 Is online.

🌿🥑♢Rantaro♢🥑🌿: HARUKAWA YOU TRAITOR!!! (ノ`Д´)ノ

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: 👀☕

🌟💛✟Angie✟💛🌟: Oh, Amami!~ Atua says OPEN YOUR DOOR. :)

🌿🥑♢Rantaro♢🥑🌿: AHHHLAHDLRHEA!!!111! NOO!!! PLEASE IM SORYEY!!!!11!

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: Well, Amami's dead.

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: Yup.

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: Wanna hang out? I'm kinda bored :^^

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: Why can't you hang out with Saihara?

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: He's hanging out with Kaede >:'((

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: Jealous Bottom.

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: *Gasp* How DARE you!! >:00000

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: I didn't lie.

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: >:'((((( I hate you >:(

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: Yeah, yeah, whatever. We hanging out or not?

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: Yeah sure. +_+

💔🔪♤Maki♤🔪💔: Alright, I'll meet you in the cafeteria.

🏁💜𖣯Kokichi⚃💜🏁: Okayyy

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