
i know me and louis only started talking by accident a few days ago, but i already really like him. he seems so fun and so easy to talk to. we were kidding around with meeting up and stuff so i asked him where he lived to see if it was too far.

i realized we have never really talked about where we're from so he could literally be half the world away... but i may or may not have been stalking his profile for the 100th time and on some of his photos it does say England. in some of them it even says Doncaster which is a city not so far from where i live.

louis answered almost immediately:
'OH hehehhe well i'm living in congleton, cheshire rn for collage but i'm from doncaster'

my mouth falls open, to shocked to even get a sound out. my brain trying to figure out if he's for real or just kidding with me, i quickly type my response in all caps:

my breath quickens too. because what are the odds of someone randomly texting you and you start to like them then find out they're from the same area, only 15 minutes away from you!?

one question going through my head is how the hell i've never seen him before, i guess he only moved here for collage and i don't go out of the house a lot.. anyways he gave me his address so i'm going to get my phat ass over there.

i was thinking about maybe changing clothes but i'm wearing gray sweatpants and i think i'm just going to keep them on. i put on some more deodorant and cologne, go to brush my teeth, then i take a piece of minty fresh gum in my mouth just, you know, in case...

then, looking in the mirror i try to sort out my curls but i just decide to put a bandana on instead. as i walk upstairs to the living room i see that my mum and sister are sitting in the sofa watching a movie. i go over to my mum and she looks over at me. i plaster on an innocent smile but when she rises her eyebrow my cheeks starts to blush.

"can i stay over at a friends house?" i ask with my arms behind my back.

"who?" she asks

"just a boy from school who i've become really good friends with" i say trying to sound as convincing as i can. apparently it works because she nods her head.

"yeah okay, just drive safe."

" 'course" i say walking over to give her and gemma a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"do you have a crush on him?" my sister asks teasingly. me, not expecting that question, begins to blush and quicly looks away. "uhh,, maybe..? i don't know" my sister giggles and my mum just smiles. she knows i'm gay and she's really supportive, my sister too. i think my dad would have been too, if he was still here.

i walk out into the hallway and i put my jacket and shoes on before disappearing out the door. the cold evening air blows around the car as i put the kay in the ignition and start driving towards louis' house. my palms are sweating and my breathing gets caught up in my throat a few times as i'm nearing his house.

i don't know if we're moving too fast but honestly i can't seem to care. i just want to meet louis. to hug him and kiss him and cuddle him. i want to protect him and make him mine. why do i feel like this when i've only known him for a few days?? i don't know. but by the time i ask myself that question i'm in louis' street.

looking at the numbers of the houses i see 17 two houses away. i park into the driveway of the small white house, taking two minutes to calm my breath before stepping out of the car and walking towards the door. okay,, here goes.

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