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i made some scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, which both me and harry enjoyed. afterwards we went into the living room to watch a movie on the tv.

harry chose the old classic "peter pan" and we snuggled up close and began watching.

already from the start harry began commenting on how fucked up the movie was. and i totally agree. saying they were gonna kill indians and sexualizing tinkerbell. also that tinkerbell was standing and complaining about her body- that would probably cause some problems for kids, they'd watch it and start to think that way about their bodies.

also to not get started on the story behind peter pan, he's a boy who never grew up and takes children to never land as if to kill them. captain hook only wants to help them and take them home.

we had a discussion about adult jokes in kids movies and, i realized i have only been talking to harry for a few days and we met yesterday (we're literally stereotypical lesbians) and i feel so safe with him. this is what i've been wanting for so long.

we went over to talk about cringe couple nicknames, and then the conversation turned to how my mum used to call me boobear. then we started talking about our childhoods, mostly good things but also some bad. but we decided to get back to that another time.

the talk about childhood turned to childhood friends, then it turned to nowadays friends. then we started to talk about how it come we hadn't really met before.

it was so easy how the conversation seemed to flow between us and before we knew it, we had two minutes until school starts. and the ride to school takes 15 minutes.


"uhh harreh, i really do hate to say this but we really have to get to school."

"oh shit, yeah" he answered and looked kinda panicked. we do go to the same school so it'll be easy to just get there together and go to our classes. now that we have each others numbers we can just sext- NO I MEANT TEXT - each other.

after panicking and spriting out to the car, we were on our way to school. ten minutes later we were almost there after driving panicked and speeding a bit.

i found an empty parking lot where i parked and got out. we walked in to see that the halls were empty, the only people being out there were some kids who were skipping or who were also late for class.

me and harry walked together, but i had to reach out and grab his wrist so he didn't go away from me. i stopped outside where i knew my first class was and he turned around to look at me. quickly before my brain could react, i stood up on my tippy toes and kissed his soft lips.

"see you later, alligator" i gave him a bright smile.

"in a while, crocodile" he smiled back as big before i opened the classroom door and felt my cheeks heat up as all the heads turned to look at me.


hellllllioooi i was just at McDonalds with my girlfriend:)) gots a tripple cheeseburger. and a mcmilshake, mcpommesfrites and a happy mcgirlfriend.

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