Together Cont...

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OK LISTEN TO THIS FIRST: I HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING THE EARLY ACCESS ON HERE!!! don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed! ok continuing on with serious...? stuffs... I'm fighting with myself here... do I go head first into smut... like real smut? Like two people... having seggs smut or... like more than two or three sentences... yeah let me know... ANYWAYS there shouldn't be too much dirty stuff in this one, I used all my virgin knowledge already... (IM SORRY) plus I don't have the same um, parts? they do... so... this is awkward... ok enjoy the chapter.

1340 Words


——NSFW WARNING!!!! just ending what was insinuated last chapter.——

"Clay~" George moaned out while he finished.

"Fuck." Clay said as he continued thrusting into George chasing his release. Soon he finished, pulled out and flopped beside George. They both lay there for a moment just catching their breath. Clay glanced over at the brit and giggled at the sight. George was covered in red and purples marks from his thighs up and his hair was a mess. His cheeks were flushed as well as his chest.

——Its over, it's the after care now baby——

George looked over at Clay and smiled. "Well, I guess you held up your end of the deal." Clay raised his eyebrow and thought for a moment trying to understand what George was saying.

"Huh?" He was racking his brain trying to find out what the hell he was talking about.

"You don't remember? After last time..." George said trailing off. Apparently he can have hardcore sex but just can't even mention it without getting embarrassed. "We were talking about it and I said I didn't want to do it in front of thousands of people again and you said 'deal'" George explained turning to face Dream with a wince.

"Oh." Was all Dream said to that. He did remember because of how shocked he was when George even brought it up. "Alright come on. We need to clean up. I'm not about to stay sticky all day." Dream stood and began walking to his bathroom. He threw on his boxers that were on the floor. When he didn't hear George he turned around and was met with a flushed face.

"Dream. I can't stand... or walk." George said covering himself in the duvet, glancing at the floor. Dream's eyes widened as he walked back over to George.

"Sorry." He said holding back a laugh. He helped him stand and laughed when George muttered a quick 'ow'

"It's not funny, Clay." He pouted wincing when he took a step. Dream wheezed and threw his head back before swiftly scooping George up. They walked into the bathroom and Dream sat George on the edge of the bathtub. He started the bath and walked back into the room to grab clean boxers for the both of them. When he got back he saw George leaning on the sink staring at himself with wide eyes. How he managed to get over there Dream didn't know, he just looked at him with amusement.

"What's wrong?" Dream said knowing exactly why the brunette was staring at himself like that. He had a small smirk on his face while he padded over and wrapped his arms around him from behind.

"I was supposed to stream tomorrow! I'm covered in hickeys, what am I going to do?" George whined. Clay didn't even have to worry about his few that he had being seen, but George's neck was purple in a huge area and the rest of it was dotted in smaller hickeys. "I look like I was beat up and choked." George said twisting his head to look at the large purple mark. Dream admired his handy work with a smile.

"You could wear a hoodie." Dream suggested pressing soft kisses to the dark marks.

"That's not very helpful when my entire neck is like this." He said rolling his eyes.

"It's not just your neck" Dream said tugging on the duvet that George was still covered with. He giggled knowing that George was going to over react. George dropped the duvet and his eyes got wider and he gasped.

"DREAM!" George yelled looking at his reflection. "I look si- THEY'RE ON MY THIGHS?!?" Dream wheezed.

"I think you look pretty." Dream said flipping George around and pressing a soft kiss to his nose. "Let's get in the bath." He moved his hand to his wrists and helped him get into the bath. He stripped out of his boxers once more and got in behind George. "Lay back, love" George layed back until his back was flush with Dream's chest. He sighed getting as comfortable as he could get. After a few moments George broke the silence.

"My ass hurts." George whined causing Dream to almost pass out from wheezing so hard. George leaned back and slapped Dream's arm. "It's not funny, you wouldn't like it." George retorted. He layed back completely and closed his eyes. Dream smirked getting an idea. He leaned until his lips touched George's ear and then spoke lowly.

"Who said that?" Dream challenged. He knew that he probably wouldn't enjoy it but that didn't matter, he liked seeing George flustered. George sat up and spun his head around and stared at Dream with wide eyes. Dream laughed and pulled George back into him. "I'm kidding." He spit out in between laughs.

"Shut up." George retorted.


"Dream I look ridiculous." George said walking out of the bedroom into the living room. Dream had given him a sweatshirt to wear after they'd gotten out of the bath because he complained about being cold. Dream honestly couldn't understand why because he was just walking around in his sweatpants. When Dream turned he smiled, he had given him a red sweatshirt to wear and he looked like he was swimming in it. The sweatshirt went to his mid thigh and his hands were long lost in the fabric of the sleeves.

"No you don't" Dream said smiling. "Come here." He held his arms out and George walked right into them.

"It's so big on me" George complained muffled from being squished into Dream.

"Oh come on now. It's not that bad." He pushed back slightly and booped George on the nose. "You look adorable. Especially in my sweatshirt." George flushed and looked away.

"Yeah I guess you're right. It's not that bad, but it is pretty bad." George giggled pulling back and showing Dream how big the sleeves were. He bent his wrists and let the fabric hang. It was super long on him so he just settled with sweater paws which made Dream's heart flutter at the sheer adorableness of it.

"What do you want for dinner? I can make something or I can just order takeout. Whatever you want is fine." Dream said leaning on the island with his forearms. He really was tired and didn't want to make anything but if that's what George wanted he would do it.

"Pizza. I have a strong craving for pizza right now" George said walking over to the window ledge to watch the rain. It had for sure died down turning into a more steady rain. The rough wind had basically vanished at this point. Patches jumped up in his lap once again. He scratched behind her ears and she purred quietly on his lap.

Dream never wanted George to go back home. To be honest it wouldn't feel like home anymore, he had become his home, and he didn't want to lose whatever he and George were. His chest hurt thinking about waking up without him. It had been one day and he was already thoroughly screwed.

He had said to George he loved him, but never in that way. He hadn't felt it in that way before, but the way he was feeling currently... that was the only way to describe it. He couldn't imagine life with out him, and when he left, he would feel empty.

He loved George.

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