Sandy Sunset

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i'm sorry. that's how im starting these notes, im sorry. guys it's my senior year and im insanely busy with school and my personal life is kinda crazy right now. i'd rather not get into it but these past few weeks have been literally insane and i haven't had a break to even breathe. thank you for being so patient with me. i love you all. please enjoy this short chapter. i will try and make the next chapter longer and better i promise.

Dinner was... awkward to say the least. The tension was high as the couple sat around the dinner table with the family. The kids had no idea about the mess that had been made so they just blabbered on and on about separate topics and that honestly saved the entire evening. They mainly blabbered about Minecraft, asking Dream and George questions about it, giving them video ideas, wanting to know how to code. 

George was thankful of Dreams mother, she had seriously helped him calm down. She assured him that he was loved, that he wasn’t a freak as her brother in law had said. He was embarrassed that he was crying into his boyfriends mothers arms but he doesn’t think he’d feel as ok as he did now if he didn’t.

Thankfully dinner went by quickly and soon they were on their way out. Dreams family made sure to squeeze the life out of him and George before they left, especially the kids. Steven stayed at the table just grimacing as he watched his nephew walk out of the house with his boyfriend.

The ride home was quiet, Dreams fingers drummed rhythmically against the wheel as music quietly hums through the radio. George glanced over to him, eyes tracing his features. His sharp jaw stood out against the setting sun, eyes brighter though he couldn’t see the color. Dream felt eyes on him and he smiled, glancing at him quickly catching him staring.

George flushed but didn’t stop staring, a fond smile played at his lips. 

“What?” Dream said through a growing smile. The sun brightened his features, face glowing gold sharpening his features even further. George felt the need to compliment him, say something, but he shut his mouth as the view behind Dream changed. A beautiful beach came into view, waves crashing softly against rough sand. The deep blue of the water instantly catching his eyes. Dream noticed the silence and glanced back over at him, he followed his gaze to the beach. He smiled at the location, fond memories playing as he passed it.

His family spent a lot of time there, seeing as it was so close to his childhood home. Many evenings were spent there as a teenager, watching the sunset, tossing around a football with friends. He’d often night swim as well though you weren’t supposed to, let’s just say he’d run from security multiple times in the damp heat of the night. 

He thought for a moment before turning to go the opposite way of his house. 

“Dream what are you doing?” George asked seeing the road they came there on disappear in the distance. His face screwed in confusion as Dream turned onto a side road that soon turned into a dead end. “Oh my god, I knew it” George gasped dramatically.

“What?” Dream giggled out.

“You’re finally taking me away to kill me and dump my body” Dream wheezed hard, gripping the steering wheel hard trying to keep it steady and he slowed the car to a stop. 

“No! Just get out of the car” The sound of wheezing echoed in the now silent car and George’s smile widened. They got out of the car and George was met with sand. He threw a confused look over his shoulder at Dream, pausing his movement. “Oh come on now, George, I’m not going to kill you!” Dream laughed out as he made his way to George’s side of the car. He held out a hand and George happily took it, joining him at his side.

Their fingers interlocked as smiles painted their face. Dream looked down at George faced forward, trying to figure out where Dream was taking him. Dream was surprised he hadn’t figured it out yet, but he was happy it would be somewhat of a surprise.

“George about earlier-” Dream started but was cut off as George dramatically stopped walking with a huff.

“We’ll talk later.” George said glaring childishly at Dream. Dream shook his head and laughed.

“You’re such an idiot.” Dream lightly tugged on George’s hand to get him to start walking again. They strolled quietly down the beaten path until they were met with the same beach George saw from the car. 

“Clay…” George said as he flung his hand out of his and ran onto the beach. Dream smiled and watched for a moment before he took off after him. Light laughter could be heard as they chased each other down to the water line. 

“George stop!” Dream called as George threw off his shoes and socks, laying them down quickly before he waded slowly into the frigid water. He laughed as George quickly retreated back onto the sand and sat down next to his shoes. He sat next to his boyfriend and looked out at the horizon.

It was filled with beautiful colors, ranging from dark purple to a soft orange. He smiled and looked over at George, the colors painting his features. 

“It must be pretty.” George said somberly as he looked back at Dream with a small smile on his face. Dream pecked the corner of his mouth and began describing it. He knew George still wouldn’t know what the colors looked like but he wanted him to understand the contrasts of the oranges and purples against each other. George scooted close enough to lay his back against Dream’s chest. 

“I love you.” Dream said kissing the side of George’s head as he wrapped his arms around him.

“I know.” George answers with a smile. George rarely said I love you but Dream knew, he knew what he meant. He knew George loved him, the tone gave away everything. “My butt is sandy.” George said pushing away once the sun had fully gone down and the chilly air surrounded them. Dream laughed standing up and dusting the sand off his butt. He grabbed George’s hand and they silently made their way back to the car. 

“Thank you.” George said once they’d made it back to the car. Dream looked at him in confusion for a moment. George continued, “I feel better now. Like actually feel better.” 

Dream smiled and started the car, and off they went back home. Dream hummed along to the radio as random pop songs played while George stared out of the window listening with a small smile. 

He was glad Dream knew exactly what he needed anytime he was upset, he didn’t know how he did but with out fail, Dream was always there to make him feel better anytime he was down. He loved him for that.

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