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angst. grey writing angst... wtf? im so bad at writing angst but i needed some, it's not always sunshine and rainbows. i like the way it turned out because it's not too painful to read, just a tad 'ow'

The TV played some random show idly while the two laid entangled on the couch, savoring the warmth they got from each other. Dream’s hand ran through George’s hair softly while he laid comfortably on his chest, letting out soft snores. Dream needed this. He needed to be close to him. After that dinner, Dream was terrified he would lose George. Of course they’d talked some when they’d gotten home just to assure that they weren’t mad at each other but the fear was still there. 

He admired his boyfriend, taking in everything. From the smile lines that had deepend since the week together started to the freckles that adorned his pale face. George’s eyes fluttered open staring back into pools of emerald. 

“Were you watching me while I slept?” George asked, voice slurred with sleep. He had a fond smile on his face as he turned to put his chin against Dream’s chest. 

“If I said yes, would you be creeped out?” Dream chuckled wrapping both his arms protectively around George’s mid, afraid that now that he was awake and had time to think, he’d leave him. 

“Yes.” George said shifting so he was higher on his chest, laying his face in the crook of his neck. His breath tickled Dream’s neck as he huffed out a small laugh. “But I think I’ll let it slide…” George said pressing a soft kiss where his neck met his shoulder. 

“Good” Dream said grinning like crazy. He was still somewhat anxious that George would be mad at him but he was trying to live in the moment, and at the moment he was wrapped in love by the very person he was anxious because of. “You know, you’ll probably have a hard time sleeping tonight because of that nap you just took.” Dream teased George and poked his nose.

“I think you underestimate my sleeping skills.” George said pushing himself up to look at Dream’s face. Dream wheezed at the way the brunette worded it.

“Your sleeping skills?” Dream asked still laughing at the silly words.

“Dream this is very serious and should not be taken lightly.” George tried to say with a straight face but began laughing when he saw Dream’s face. 

“Yeah, right, sorry.” Dream said acting like he was trying to calm himself down. They giggled again once they ‘pulled themselves together’ when their eyes met. They calmed again and Dream ushered for George to continue.

“Thank you, Clay. See this is serious, I said Clay.” George said smiling, Dream instantly returning it. “I am a very skilled sleeper, you should know this.” George giggled but straightened back up when Dream tilted his head and quirked an eyebrow. 

“George, I am very aware, love. You slept through a war.” Dream said somewhat fondly as he ran a hand through George’s hair and left it on his cheek, smiling wide

“See I’m an expert.” George said finally breaking and laughing. 

“Right.” Dream said laughing along. They laid together for a while longer before the conversation lingering above their head finally came tumbling down. Dream’s the one who finally pulled it down.

“George.” Dream said softly and George just hummed in response. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” Once those words left his mouth, he felt George tense.

“Dream let’s not.” George said trying to snuggle closer.

“We have to talk about it.” Dream pressed, sliding into a sitting position, crossing his legs.

“There’s really nothing to talk about.” George folded in on himself and Dream saw a wall form behind his deep brown eyes.

“There is. George, I messed up.” Dream said getting increasingly frustrated. He didn’t know if it was because George was ignoring the situation or if he was just frustrated with himself. George stayed silent, just fiddling with his sweatshirt sleeves. “Say something. Just anything.” George slowly looked back up at Dream, face unreadable.

“Yes, you did. What you said really hurt, and you really shouldn’t have said that. I know it seems like an over reaction but it hurt. If I would’ve known I would’ve had to hide us I wouldn’t have agreed. You kept the truth from me, and that was shitty.” George word vomited. He’d never been good at expressing his emotions or confrontation, but Dream just kept pushing so he felt as if he had to say something.

“I am so so sorry.” Dream said, he glanced down and took George’s hands in his own. He looked at George and started to see the wall crumble, being replaced with tears. 

“I want to be mad at you. I want to scream at you for what you did, but I just can’t.” George said as a tear fell down his cheek. Dream’s heart shattered at the sight and he just wanted to hold George, but he knows that he needs his space to think. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, you were just trying to protect us, but why did you say it like that? I felt so… so invalid. I felt sick. I felt wrong. I know this isn’t but sometimes it’s hard when we’re constantly being told it is by everyone.” George choked out. Salty tears ran down his face as broken sobs began to make their way out of his mouth.

“George, nothing is wrong with us. With you.” Dream said tears of his own pooling in emerald pupils.

“I know that, but you made me feel that way.” Dream’s fell slightly open to retort back but he just shut it closed again. Anger burned inside him. He was angry at himself for making George feel like that. He never wants to see George like this again and he promises himself that he would never make him feel that way. 

“I- That was never my intention.” Dream said flatly trying to calm himself down. 

“I know.” George said letting go of Dream’s hands to wipe his tears. “Can we just go to bed? I’m really tired.” George said standing heading towards the bedroom. 

“Um, you go ahead I’ll be there later.”  Dream said grabbing his coat off the back of the couch and throwing it on. George just nodded sadly as he closed the bedroom door. Once George was out of sight he let the tears fall as he made his way out of his house. He debated whether a drive or walk would be better and decided that walking in the cold would help him calm faster.

He walked for about thirty minutes before he felt wet drops slide down his arm. He looked up and saw it began to rain. 

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Dream laughs. He has no other reaction at this point. He just laughs as he continues. Shortly after the wet rain and the frigid air began making him shiver so he decided to turn around. His mind had begun to clear and he felt himself calm, the cold water helping pull him out of his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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