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The pink studebaker rolled into the driveway later the next night. Nothing more had happened between Carmen and Kenickie but as it was her last night before her parents arrived home they decided to get pizza and drink beer looking out to the town.

When she got home Kenickie was still with her, both a bit drunk from the beer. She fumbled with her key in the door before it burst open. Her mother stood in the doorway looking down at her daughter who had fallen to the ground as she opened the door.

"Carmen! Are you drunk?!" She yelled at her daughter pulling her up by her arm.

"Heyyyy mrs Zuko. How ya doing?" Kenickie slurred a little waving and smiling at Carmen's mother.

"Very well thank you Mr Murdoch. Don't you think you should be getting home now." She replied smiling half heartedly as she pulled her daughter into the house.

"Uhh yeah, see ya later Zuko!" He mumbled, stumbling down the road.

"What do you have to say for yourself Carmen Zuko." She scolded, shutting the door.

"Sorry ma, I-"

"Don't you dare tell me you and Kenickie Murdoch-"

"Oh no no no no." Carmen ensured before scrambling up the stairs.

"I am worried about that girl, we never should have left her here." Carmen's mom explained to her husband.

"Don't worry about it, Danny was here to look after her." Mr Zuko calmed his wife, while reading his paper.


"Awww Baby, your so grown up!" Their grandmother squealed, squeezing Carmen's cheeks as she faked a smile.

"Thanks grandma, can you let go now, please." She said moving back a little.

"Oh, there's my little Danny!" She squealed again moving to squeeze Danny's cheeks.

"So Carmen. You got a boyfriend yet?" Her grandfather asked.

"No, no grandpa. Nothing like that." She went on.

"Well you know times ticking, I met your grandma when we were 14 and your father met your mother when he was 12..."

"Yes I know grandpa, but I'm not looking for a boyfriend. Despite Kathy hasn't found anyone yet either." Carmen attempted to move the conversation on.

"Ah yes but Kathleen bought a few nice boys home dear." Her aunt chipped in.

"Dinners ready folks." Carmen's mother called, Carmen breathing a sigh of relief.

"You told them about Kenickie?" Danny whispered as they made there way to the table.

"What are you talking about?" She replied acting innocent.

"What do you mean, you spent the whole summer with him. They won't believe you sat by yourself all summer." Danny explained, allowing Carmen to calm down again after thinking he knew about their kiss.

"Oh yeah well, what are you going to say?" She asked.

"Ah well maybe you weren't by yourself all summer." He smirked buying himself an alibi.


"You had a nice summer French?" Baby asked over the phone after returning from her family meal.

"Oh it was lovely, I got a nice tan too." She replied, smiling across the phone, "what about yours?"

"It was good. I got a job, well two and I got a car and I can drive. And..." Carmen relayed, trailing of with hesitation as she remembered who she was about to start talking about.

"And what Baby?" Frenchie asked.

"I met someone." She attempted to act nonchalantly about the matter.

"Oh really. Ya kiss him?" She asked intently.

"Uh maybe." Carmen hesitated yet again, fiddling with the telephone wire.

"Would I know him?" French asked quietly, clearly busying herself on the other side of the phone.

"Uhhh. Nah. He's from outta town." Carmen lied, saving the trouble.

" Carmen lied, saving the trouble

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