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Over the course of a week Carmen had done two shifts at the frosty palace (cleaning up), got a new job as a cashier at the local hardware store and spent her evenings on a cliffside eating fries with Kenickie in her parents car.

But at her weekly check up as it were, dinner at her aunt and uncle's, she couldn't speak a word of any of it.

The Zuko's were always pretty well off, well respected people, maybe that's why their kids were so popular but the things that they did and were generally considered cool were frowned upon by the parents.

That meant having side jobs and sleeping in cars with boys or girls was off the cards. The idea was to keep the image up around family and live a little in secret.

"Danny's been out a lot recently. You two done anything nice together?" Her aunt asked.

"Well... you know..." the two rambled on not really knowing what excuse to use this time.

"We went to the drive in." Carmen said in reference to one night her and Kenickie snuck into the back of the dive in theatre, obviously without mentioning their friend.

"We went to the beach." Danny said at almost the same time, referring to his nights spent on the beach with his blonde summer fling.

"Oh. Well haven't you two been busy." She said, clearing the plates.

"Well uhhh. That was a lovely dinner but I'm getting awfully tired. I think I'm going to head back over the road." Carmen stuttered, secretly wanting to get to sleep so she could get off to work early the next morning.


She didn't necessarily like work but it was a way of getting money for her own car and an excuse to interact with other people while her friends were away for the summer.

Her days consisted of getting up early to open up the Frosty Palace, unstacking chairs and cleaning tables. It didn't take long and she was often there alone so could listen to music on the jukebox.

When she was finished there she would walk down the street to the hardware store where she would often find her boss shouting at Kenickie or one of the other few employees.

And just as her day commenced, that was exactly what she was in store for.

"Hey! Who opened this goddamn thing?!" Her boss yelled back as he hit his head on the shutter that had only been pushed up halfway.

Making her way across the car park and closer to the store she caught the eye of her boss who was ushering her into the shop.

"I need you to sit here and look pretty a little longer today, I've got to go visit my mom. Okay?" He said making her roll her eyes at his degrading comment.

"Yeah. Oh and I was wondering if I could get my pay check early this week, we already agreed I could have a day off on Thursday and I was kinda hoping I could have it before then." Carmen begged.

"Sure whatever, take the money out the register and give Kenickie his too or he'll start complaining." He said simply. Leaving the store, banging his head yet again on his way out, "Can someone please fix this for Christ's sake?!"

No one took any notice of his orders and instead continued with their day.

Very few people came into the shop and that was fine because Carmen could sit and read her magazines for even longer. It was getting late and the other teenagers who worked part time jobs had left.

"Hey Baby! Give me a hand will ya?" Kenickie yelled across the empty store.

"Sure." She said a little reluctant, strolling over to him.

"Hold the door open." He mumbled walking past her, awfully close. She did exactly that, watching him pick up a crate from outside and haul it into the back isle.

Every time he passed her he would get slowly and unintentionally closer. By this point he could feel her breath on his bare arm and she could feel his leg gently touch hers. They had never been so close and neither of them could get the thought of what could happen out of their heads.

But that wasn't something that could ever happen. Danny had a watchful eye over the relationship or more like friendship of his best friend and his baby cousin. And after all the Zuko's had built a reputation that they simply don't date, even if Danny was starting to stray from it.

"Uhh. I'll get back to my magazine." She said a little more awkward than their previous dialogue.

"You do that." He muttered back, just as awkward in response.

After another minute or two of silence Carmen spoke up again, "I was thinking a Studebaker commander, not a new one of course. It's a pretty nice car don't ya think, I mean it'll mainly be for lugging around the pink ladies."

"If that's your kind of thing." Kenickie answered her, clearing the mess he made to begin with.

"Yeah well, I've got a day off tomorrow and I'm getting paid early so I was thinking I could go pick one up. Turns out my mom won't need to help me out."

"And...?" He asked walking down the isle, getting closer to her.

"Well do you wanna come?" Carmen asked Kenickie still with a slight awkward tone.

"If you want me to." He said finally reaching the counter where she sat looking up from her magazine. Simply nodding and smiling in response to his remark.

"Your wage is over there." She gestured to the counter next to her with her head, he grabbed the cash and shoved it into his back pocket.

Something about the way she held herself in that moment caught his eye. What was the worst that could happen in that moment.

"So how you getting outta here?" Kenick asked looking her in the eyes as she ignored his attempt of intimacy.

"You tell me Murdoch." She played along with it a little. Danny wasn't there to tell them no and things seemed to be fine after their almost awkward encounter.

She placed her magazine down and jumped down from her position. Looking up at him she wondered yet again what would happen if she gave in to the classic charms of Kenickie Murdoch.

Their eyes were locked together and they found themselves edging closer to one another. Something about it felt natural even though they knew that their friends and family wouldn't approve.

He grabbed the back of her neck and she was caught in a trap. All either of them could do in that moment was lean in. Eventually coming close enough to do something about it.

They were kissing in the middle of the empty store at the dead of night. And all of the worries of what others would think disappeared as they felt completely alone in the world except for each other.

But before anything could happen Carmen pulled away. "I'm so sorry. I just. Is this the right thing to be doing. Us? Here?"

"I don't see no problem with it." Kenickie replied quickly. She sighed and waltzed out of the store. She knew exactly what he was like but the thrill was too much for her to pass up on.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?!" Kenickie asked after Carmen, speeding up so he was just on her heel.

"Who said you're not coming with me." Baby turned on her tip toes and looked at him once again, it was enough to make her weak at the knees.

" Baby turned on her tip toes and looked at him once again, it was enough to make her weak at the knees

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