X: Slowly I fall

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"The blade"

I looked directly up at the black painted ceiling, what have I got myself into?!
Living with a family of vampires of the higher class why didn't I decline the offer of staying over time getting absolutely nothing from it and going home at a decent time.

No if I did that he'd be as good as dead.

I groaned looking out at the crescent moon shining.

"He's practically invincible is what they're saying" I scuffed and noticed a figure standing on the walls.

"Hey you!" I called out. It stood still as it continued to look at me from the distance.

I starred at it in confusion, what the hell-

"Ahh" I grabbed my now bleeding arm and torn up sleeve, I looked back to see the man in the picture standing right in front of me.

"Ahh I see my no good nephew decided to nurture a mortal like you" He smirked, I felt a sharp pain under my ribs and lifted my shirt to reveal a bruise.


"UH UH UH i wouldn't do that if I were you, do you wanna end up dead with your lover?"He smirked his white fangs glistening in the dark, I became flustered stumbling back again.

"H-h-he's not my lover we're just acquaintances just friends" The man scoffed his red eyes were glowing in the dark pitch black room.

"With that tone anyone would be able to tell you like him" He teased inching closer, I backed up stumbling and tripping on my own feet.

"Looks like I've got to get rid of you first you just might be the kids weakness" I could feel the fear and anxiety surrounding me, my whole body tensed as his sharp fangs hissed at me.
I could feel small cuts being made, is this ability?

"Step away from the human" I looked towards the door to see a small vampire out line standing there, his mantel dropping to the floor showing his frail figure. George.

"If it isn't my brothers eldest child" The man laughed this is his uncle?

"I thought mom said for you to never show your face after putting barriers up" George stepped into the room as I felt light headed and sleepy.

"Spells can be broken" George walked over standing between me and the man.

"I suggest you leave before things get messy" George hissed. His uncle became hesitant to attack almost as if he was scared of a less experienced fighter like George.

"I'll come back for the little one this isn't the last of me" My eyes felt heavy and I felt a little safer with George around. I saw his head turn and kneeled down putting s hand on my head and the other under my knees lifting me off the ground.

He seemed to look away from me, right I was bleeding.

"George?" He hummed in response.

"It's okay go on do it you're hungry and I get that" He looked down at me his eyes still a beautiful shade of red, gulping.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

I felt my head hit the soft silky pillow case as George hovered over me, the bed dipping. He smiled so lovingly making me feel all mushy inside, you can't Dream.

His fangs sprung out as he dug into my neck, sucking the life out of me. I could here him swallowing it with a loud gulp each time. I groaned he got the memo and became a bit more gentle before pulling away.

He wiped his lips.
"Goodnight Dream" The bed sprung up with the lose of extra weight, I didn't respond due to my tiredness. I felt a blanket drape over me and seeing George leaving my room before all I saw was darkness.


"Oh fuck" I groaned putting a hand to my head, god waking up after getting the life sucked out of you hurt like a bitch. I opened my eyes and noticed I had a sling on and a couple bandages.

"What happened?" I talked to myself.

"Oh I guess you don't remember" I jumped from the voice and looked up to see George.

"Jesus christ does no one knock?" He raised a brow before laughing.

"Ahh right sometimes I forget you can't hear that often and that you're just a mortal" He sighed placing one of his tea cups on the night stand.

"Woah you actually made me tea" I smiled widely taking the hot tea cup and downing the hot liquid, instantly regretting it as it burnt my insides.

"It's so sweet" I spat out.

"D-d-d-does i-i-it taste t-t-that bad?" He stuttered I tilted my head noticing as he seemed to become a bit shy and his cheeks were dusted pink, I shook my head not wanting to hurt the vamps feelings.

"I guess I prefer it sweet" His frown was literally turned upside down.

"Oh um hey Techno was wondering if you wanted to come with him and I to Phils?" I looked at him smacking my lips, do I stay in bed all day with my conditions or finally go out to get some decent air?

I contemplated and finally I gave him my answer.

"Sure why not I have nothing better to do" I shrugged putting the cup of tea down. I seemed to have been looking at the vamp without noticing it, I never noticed he had freckles they weren't as visible as mine but they were still visible.

"Great I'll go tell Techno the good news" He smiled and floated about to exit the room, my eyes continued to follow him, he stopped at the door frame back turned to me.

"And I know you're wondering but yeah my unlce will be back and stronger than ever" I froze in fear.

"When do you-"

"He'll come back when he's at his prime" I raised a brow as his head turned too meet my gaze.

"The blood moon" Without a word he left me sitting in my bed in shock. I found it kind of cute when he said suspenseful shit like that. Clay what are you doing? I mentally slapped myself as I sat up on the edge of my bed groaning from the pain.

"Well looks like I'll be going to Phils with the cutie and his little brother" I stood up and cocked my head to the door thinking I heard a tiny squeal.

"What the hell?" I ignored it shaking my head as my thoughts landed back to when George caught snow flakes for the first time. His eyes closed as the snow fell onto his nose and tongue, the surprised and confused look he had when the cold substance dissolved, it was all too precious and cute.

I looked into the closet replaying the scene in my head not knowing the danger I was getting into myself. I hated to admit it but with the loud thumping of my heart I caved in admitting to myself.

I'm slowly falling for a vampire.

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