iV.Orgin of George

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George's pov:

"Sapnap give me my goggles back" I reached over the to the small winged teen standing above me.

"Come get it fangless" Sapnap snickered waving my goggles around. I threw him into the air and snatched my goggles back hiding my eyes.

"thank you very much" I smiled walking back into the huge palace. I could hear Sapnap growl.
The hybrid flew to my side like the royal knight he is.

Sapnap and I weren't anywhere near related hell we don't even know his parents are I saw him one day wandering the woods scared and alone and decided to play some tricks with him. Levitating him off the ground. Playing mind games and changing the scenery he was in. It was hilarious.

I finally jumped out the bush I hid and jumped at him scaring him. Man to go back to those days.
I took him to my home and introduced my new friend to my parents.

That happened years ago way before he even his tiny littles wings.

"Boys you must hurry in c'mon you don't want those evil e-class vampires to come bit you now do you?" We both shook our head at my mother.

"But Miss you and father are much stronger than those guys" Sapnap said mother smiled sighing.

"Well what if me and father were to get there late than what would we do?" We both were very silent not knowing how to answer.

"Come along dinners about ready and than you can take your supplements" She rubbed our backs leading us into the house even more.

We were sat finishing our meal engulfing whatever we could get our hands on. Me and sapnap both took the small pill that would replace the craving for blood so our blood lust could be contained.

When we finished we were sat in the living room mother reading us a nice old story. Father went out into the front. I heard screaming and cursing coming from there as father had left the door wide open.

Mother got up going to the kitchen to get a cup of tea too soothe her down. Me and Sapnap looked at each other both having the same idea.

We both got up making our way into the kitchen to check on how busy mother was. We peeked our heads seeing her standing waiting for the tea kettle to start boiling. We looked at each other again nodding before heading to our father.

We peaked our head through the opened door to see my uncle and his goons standing there.

"Give me the thrown" My uncle took another step toward our father.
"It is my rightful thrown and will be handed to George than..."
"That weird hybrid purebred of yours? Pff as if he's a toddler a mere mortal could slice the boy with a single sweep of a reaper, hunters are out there" My uncle crossed his arm and spit out his cigar.

"I've made a truce with the head leader of the hunters" Our uncle rolled his eyes.
"Hand me the thrown to make things easier" Our father shook his head.
"Never not until my family blood line with my children ends" Our uncle stepped back hissing at our father, he swiftly went after our father, father dodging it with ease.

Me and Sapnap both gasped the blood lust in the air was dangerous no vampire would wanna be caught in this but here they were.
Father was taken by surprise from the loud gasp from me and Sapnap he looked our direction and was impaled by the sharp nails.

I ran out using my powers to hold Uncle back I was useless my powers weren't even fully developed.

"George stay back" Father put a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't get caught in the middle of this go to the bunker get mother, Sapnap..." I blanked out, dad was about to die.

"Go boy! you don't have-" he coughed up blood the most powerful purebred defeated by the hands of his own brother, that bastard. I ran grabbing sapnap's hand running to inform mother. Her eyes were filled with terror, sadness and anger. She went to go grab the other, me and Sapnap went into the secret bunker.

The door creaked open mother letting in this small creature that crawled to me and Sapnap.

"Stay in here" She walked up to all three of kissing our foreheads. The room started to blur I couldn't think straight everything was slowly starting to go dark.
"Mother?" I said softly.
"Shh my dear let my power keep you and your brothers safe" My last memory of our parents were seeing them die right in front of me. Father was bled to death, mother was winkling away turning into a sparkly dust to hide our blood lust.

I woke up the next morning a child resting his head on my lap and Sapnap passed out on my shoulder I looked around I couldn't sense anyone's blood lust anymore.
Uncle had left, I shook Sapnap awake putting the small child on the ground he slept peacefully sucking onto his help.

"I-I don't sense anything" Sapnap looked around face saddening.
"Not even father or mother" I cleared my throat.
"They're gone now Sapnap I'm assuming mother must've casted something to keep uncle away, the next in line is me" I stood up and walked to the opened bunker door. Before heading out to check the scene I looked at the once fluffy eared purebred.

I told Sapnap to stay here and look after him I let my blood lust roam, making anyone who was in the perimeter of the palace know I was hungry for death.

I felt my powers growing my inner purebred was coming out, sharp pointy fangs pricked my bottom lip cause it to drip blood.

I sped out to the front door seeing a hound standing on our door steps

"Who are you?" The head of the hound turned he had bright blue eyes and blonde hair.
"I-I-I'm Punz this transparent women sent me telling me to stay here and attack unwanted guest" he stuttered. Mother must've sent him here knowing he was a wolf hybrid. I nodded.

So that's it the event that had happened 10 years ago is now all history. The youngling was now 5 he seemed to age at a low rate must've had something to do with mother and fathers powers.

"George" The tiny boy came up to me I raised a brow crossing my right leg over my left knee.

"Why don't we get any visitors and why is it so dark I don't like the dark" I sighed seeing the boy look like he was about to piss his pants.

"Little boy don't be afraid of anything you'll always live your life in darkness" I paused was he ready to know about what happened to him.

"Ever since mother and Father passed away there hasn't been anything worth to let sunlight in" He looked down I probably shouldn't of said that.

"You're a vampire never show your fear towards anyone we'll always be in the dark, the shadows, it's just the 4 of us now me, you, sir Punz and sir Sapnap the 4 of us will live in the dark for the rest of our lives to stay out of danger" He nodded.

My words echoed in my head.

Just us in the darkness nothing to give us light.

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