V.The Hunters

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"Quackity it's not what-" He stepped back.
"I'm telling the council about this" He stumbled back even more falling to the ground.

"Don't come near me you freak!" Quackity turned running away. I sighed kicking rocks as I slowly followed him.

I could sense people starring at me and the four dots on my neck. I looked up to see Quackity with a caged wagon.

"Dream get in" Quackity looked down. I slowly walked hoping into it, he slammed it shut before putting a pad lock on it.
"Quackity it's really not what you think" He spit on the ground and kept his gaze off me.

"We're taking you to the hunters to hold captive who knows how long before you start shifting into an E-class" He scuffed hoping onto one of the horses.

"Yah!" He whipped the horse startling it at it started to gallop away into the gravel path. My home started to grow smaller in size the further we got away. I side letting the cold bars hit the back of my head.

The horse continued to gallop snow slowly covered the grass.

We came to a stop I turned around to see a decently built building. Quackity and someone else got off the horses and went to unlock my cage.
I hopped slipping a little from the snow. Quackity pushed me.

"Walk" I obeyed his command making my way to a wooden door. Quackity knocked the door opening slowly, did it just open on it's own?

"Dad there's people here!" I looked down to see a small child a red beanie and an oversized yellow shirt.
"Let them in Wilbur they're the good people" The small boy opened it hiding behind the door slowly peeking his head. I gave him a small smile before Quackity pushed me to continue moving.

"What seems to be the problem Alex?" A man in a stripped bucket hat and a green white cloak, his hair blonde and long, his eyes were a piercing blue eyes.

"Phil I need you to take care of my pal Dream here he was bit by who knows what" Quackity threw me forward into the mans table. Some papers were knocked off.

"Mm I'll see what I can do was there an attack in the village?" Phil started to write something down, Quackity shook his head.

"He was missing last night and wasn't reported to have gone home" Phil let out a hum before sighing.
"You may leave now I'll have a little chat with the boy" Quackity nodded leaving the scene. There was a rattling noice from the back, Phil quickly grabbed , his covered katana slinging it on his back.

"Bit huh?" He chuckled. I nodded gulping nervously, he stood from his seat walking to the front of his table his son came in running into his arms.
The tiny boy was giggling and whispered something to his dad.

I looked at the boy with a confused look.
"Lord you may come out now" The blonde man chuckled, Lord?

"Ahh Dream missed me so much that you got yourself captured?" A shiver went up my spine, goose bumps covered my arms.
"H-h-how" I turned to see the googled purebred.
"How what?"He raised a brow he was short nothing I had expected well maybe cause he was aimlessly just floating in the air.

I let out a small snicker.
"How are you so short" I wheezed not being able to calm myself. I couldn't physically see him roll his eyes but if those ridiculously large goggles didn't cover them I would have definitely seen him.

Phil set Wil down putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I knew Quackity was gonna bring you here when Sapnap told me about what happened, I guess your village doesn't know about the truce between my hunter association and George's blood line" He chuckled.

I looked at George continuing to giggle to the major height difference between us. For once his face had some colour in them at least his cheeks. I walked over putting an arm around him.

"Little embarrassed your highness?" I smirked seeing him turn even more red.
"Sh-shut up before I get call Sapnap over" I smiled taking my arm off not wanting him to feel any discomfort. His face seemed to sadden but I ignored it.

"Phil could you please take Tommy" A brunette women came from behind me and George holding a severely loud baby. Man that child is gonna cause disaster.

"So how did this whole alliance thing happen?" I pointed to George than to Phil going back and forth.

"Well my father when he was alive was great friends with Phil, they worked together to kill off any E-class vampire" George sighed.

"When your father was alive?" I looked down at the much shorter man I didn't realize how frail his figure seemed to be.

"You surely do ask a lot of questions that you know you'll never get an answer to" He responded coldly. I shrugged.

"Well moral of the story my association doesn't hunt their kind but we're mostly out there to hunt the ones who have no control, my crew isn't anything like the Badlands those people are ruthless" He gritted his teeth as his son hugged his leg.

"What do you mean by ruthless?" George cleared his throat before speaking.
"They kill any creature that wasn't classified human including my kind, Sapnap's kind they're tyrants to society wanting humans to rule this world. I have killed and drank one of them to death" I shivered I didn't know hot to respond.

"You fellows should go you don't wanna get caught in the middle of those hunters, especially when a human is with you" Phil smiled.
We nodded waving goodbye to the family before heading to the back being greeted by Sapnap.

"Ahh good to see you again" The winged man smirked.
"Great to see you too" I couldn't help but feel something that made me wanna stay, I didn't feel like I was going to die when I was with them. I know I've only met them the night before but I sense a great bond between us.

"Get to the palace asap I don't want the little one worrying too much" George stepped into the carriage, little one?

"My little brother Dream the next generation once I pass him the thrown". "But i thought you said you had no such thing of a sibling?

he froze. "you wanted to keep him safe didn't you? so you didn't tell me"

he didn't respond.

"That's alright i understand " George nodded and the carraige began to move.

I didn't wanna anger the vampire with more questions, we sat in silence the whole travel there spotting a couple hunters on the way. George turned to me smiling a bit.

"I can't wait to have the taste of your blood in my mouth later"
Tehehe im really trying to improve and expand my vocabulary since my brain is deciding to fail me. Also i'm a math and science student T-T i've never liked english cause it was never freeing still isn't during school.

but yeah tehe planning to do a Q/A soon later this week in fact :)

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