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I woke up to the sound of bars being hit it echoed in the dark dungeon hallway.

"Wake up mortal the lord is wanting a little snack before we bring you back to your damned town" I slowly open my eyes a bit dark my eyes were still adjusting to the lack of light in the room.
The hybrid banged harder fully waking me up.

"Good" The winged hybrid jiggled the keys pushing the dungeon door open. He roughly grabbed my arm and flew me up to the stupid purebred.

I looked at the purebred he was wearing sunglasses this time, was it too bright for him?

Sapnap threw me to the front of the purebreds thrown, he used his power to lift my head to face him.

"Glad to see you've got some good rest from the smell of your blood" George smirked, I rolled my eyes at him.

"If you don't wanna die than stop being such a brat" He said coldly hissing threw his mouth, it sent shivers up my spine.

"Whatever you old geeser" I continued to stare as he stood up walking closer to me. He put his cold pale index finger on my chin tilting it up more before pushing it to the side revealing my neck.

"Dream you're blood drives us vampires wild you know?" He smirked getting closer to my neck, I gulped clumping up my hands into a fist, knuckles turning white.

"How so?" I asked nervously and in response "Makes my blood lust go crazy" Before I could speak he dug his fangs into my neck once again. Eating up a massive amount of my blood, he groaned in the middle of each gulp.

I grabbed onto his black royal mantle clutching onto my dear life. I finally felt a realize and a breath of release as he wiped up his mouth which was stained red.

"You've a little" I pointed to my teeth sarcastically, really Clay at a time like this you're still joking around? It's a life or death situation for god sakes.

"Shut it you mortal" George adjusted his glasses and walked around me observing me.

"Why do you have those silly glasses on, like I get sunlight ahh burn ashes but you live in this big ass castle that has like the slightest bit of sunlight in it" I stood up feeling a little woozy and stumbled back a bit almost falling.

Luckily the damn creature stopped me and I was frozen in place in a weird angle.

"Well it's to hide my eyes" He crossed his arms looking at me.

"What you blind or something?" I laughed he waved a finger toward me and I fell on my ass hard.
"Ow" I said rubbing my lower back a bit. In the corner could be heard low growls and wings flapping.

"Sapnap you mustn't get so angry over a non superior creature" The purebred mocked. I scoffed getting back on my feet dusting myself.

" Aren't you supposed to have some type of wife by now like your sister or something?" I crossed my arms as I saw his eyebrow lift.
"Why would I- No! Those only apply to other purebred families but not mine I came from a non related mother and father and no I do not have siblings and I shall not be wed to some imbecile of a women" He scoffed I could feel him roll his eyes at me as he went to go sit back down.

"So about those weird goggles of yours what's the point in wearing them if you're stuck in a dark room" He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why are you so curious to know?" I looked at him shrugging.
"just doesn't seem right to wear them in such a dark room affects your vision you know" I stood there as I could feel him getting more and more annoyed with me by the second.

"Sapnap take him back to his village I can't stand to see his filthiness any longer" His royal henchmen came jogging to my side roughly grabbing my arm.

"Right away my lord" The winged beast slung me over his shoulders.
"Bye George" I waved thank god I won't be seeing him ever again. He waved back with a devious smirk on his face.

"See you soon mortal" Sapnap opened his wings I could see George's lips moving but it was inaudible the sound of the wings flapping hurt my ears. I felt a cold breeze run through my hair, George was growing smaller and smaller and I was now facing the castle gates.

"Be glad the Lord savoured you unlike the rest" Sapnap huffed. I stayed silent just wanting to go home and inform Quackity about this.

"Hey Sapnap" he responded with a growl indicating I shouldn't talk but was I gonna listen? pff no way.
"Why does your arse of a lord wear those hideous goggles?" He immediately stopped moving forward and just flapped his wings in place.

"Looky here buddy don't ever talk about the lord like that or I'll drop you here to plummet to your death and stop questioning his style of fashion the lord has a problem" He scuffed and continued to fly getting closer to my town.

Issues with his eyes? Maybe he is blind?
I sighed and waited to be dropped somewhere in town.
It seemed to be a while before we actually got there. He stopped again just flying in the same spot looking around making sure no one was able to spot him. He threw me in this bush I groaned hitting the ground.

"Thanks for the lift" I said sarcastically he chuckled and said "We'll see you very soon Dream" Before leaving.

Soon what does he mean by soon? I shook my head shrugging it off and made my way to the main area. I was greeted by Quackity who was I guess patrolling the area.

"Dream! Where the hell have you been?" He asked I chuckled.
"Sleep walked out of the town I guess" He raised a brow and I saw his eyes avert to my neck.


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