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"Everyone must be inside by time of sundown, we've read your reports and we're highly aware of recent attacks so to keep y'all safe please stay inside lock your doors and keep the women and children safe"

"Please my husbands been missing for for days what will you do?" a woman cried.

"don't worry ma'am we're doing everything we can"

You see that person who just made that impeccable announcement? Yeah that's our mayor for you, Big Q.
Funny enough that, that man had been one of my closest friends before he appointed into that position. Now you maybe asking who is this man speaking? And what does he mean that position was appointed to his friend?

First off I'm Clay more known as Dream I'm just a towns folk who works at a crappy bakery in this shitty town and the reason for Quackity or Alex's appointing to mayor was all thanks to some Ex-Humans. Hey I'm sure the author wrote down something about purebred or hybrid vampires.

One thing they had forgot to mention were humans turned into vampires.

Yeah you heard me once human now a vampire or some vicious form of one. People in town called them E class vampires the vampires who went spiralling out of control due to the lack of blood, their blood lust taking over them completely. Now I know what you're thinking 'Dream aren't they like purebreds' NO, purebreds were born a vampire cursed with the thirst of blood but more importantly they had power that a E class doesn't have, purebreds are royalty and weird enough breed with their family blood line kinda gross if I do say so myself.

But it's better than dying to some E class leech.

Mmhmm yeah pretty much those things attacked our last mayor Shlatt boy oh boy when I say there was nothing left of him I mean his body was dried out to the core. Pale grey skin, lifeless eyes.

Serves him right for walking that late at night pff.

But that wasn't the only reason for the sudden curfew word has gone around about people missing and never showing up ever again. Everyone says it's from those damned E-class vampires but I honestly think Hybrids are collecting blood source for their Purebred Queen or King.

Just a silly theory I came up with when my old pal became Mayor.

"With that everyone can go back to whatever they were doing make sure to be at home before sunset!" Quackity screamed into the mic causing a static sound to come out the amps.

Everyone gasped and screeched, Alex came down from the wooden old stage and walked towards me.

"Damn Dream looking a little rough huh buddy?" He chuckled eyeing my dirtied shirt full of wholes and some lousy trousers I've worn for the past 3 days.

"What can I say Alex not everyone lives in a sustainable home like others" I crossed my arms. As he tried holding in a laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked rolling my eyes.
" Nothing just that-ppffff-" This man is certainly something else.

"Hey I gotta go to the bakery my shift starts soon and I really don't want wanna get my ass whooped my Mr. I like raisins in my bread" I laughed a little at my own joke, Alex bent over hands on his knees dying from hysteria.

He inhaled trying to calm himself down and slowly rose back up standing straight.

"Let's go I'll walk with you and plus I need to tell you a couple things" He walked a bit a head going the completely wrong way.

"Alex" I called out, Alex turned his head back to me.
"Bakery's this way" I pointed to the opposite direction he was head.

"Ohhhh" His mouth opened looking dumbfounded.
He slowly retracted his steps walking by my side.

Blood Lust[Dreamnotfound]Where stories live. Discover now