Trust Broken

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We start our day in Beacons indoor arena with Cardin Winchester and Jaun Arc having a duel with Jaune losing but before Cardin could bash Jaune with his mace Professor Goodwitch Calls the match.

Glynda: "Cardin, that's enough. Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-style duel, This would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and the official may call the match."

Y/n, Alex, and Pyrrha looked at him with concern as he got up in a sitting position.

Glynda: "Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now please try and refer to your scroll during combat gauging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?"

Cardin walks off the stage as Glynda calls u another pair of students to spar.

Glynda: "Now we have enough time for another match so any volunteers?"

As if it was planned a pair of voices rang out in the classroom. Revealing them to belong to Y/n L/n and Nora Valkyrie.

Glynda: "Well this should be interesting."

After a minute Y/n and Nora walk towards the stage with their weapons in hand and ready to brawl when the room starts to change and the students are put into stands while the stage expands, giving them plenty of room to fight.

Y/n: "Let's make this interesting, wanna switch weapons?"

Nora throws her hammer in the air then catches it.

Nora: "You aren't worthy enough to wield this hammer."

Y/n spins his guns and spikes pop out of the bottom of the grip and electricity sparks.

Y/n: "You're sounding like someone I once knew. I don't like it!"

Computer speaking: ROUND ONE FIGHT!

The two of them wasted no time and charged at each other with Nora swinging her hammer and Y/n jumping over her and landing on the end of her hammer and he flip kicks her in the face and she gains a determined look in her eyes and her hammer's head is then fired at him throwing him into the wall.

Nora: "Didn't expect that one did ya?"

Suddenly a pair of grappling hooks were fired from the cloud of smoke and Y/n is now swinging around the room.

Y/n: "Did you expect this?!"

Nora: *chuckles* "Come on spider boy, fight me like a man!"

Nora then catches both the hooks with the handle of her hammer pulling Y/n closer to her when the grapplers disengage and he hits her in the face with the but of his pistol launching her away. He expected Glynda to call the match but when he looked back at Nora he saw her stand up with pink electricity surrounding her.

Y/n: "Welp I'm dead."

He tries to pick up Magnhild but quickly realizes he couldn't pick it up. And that was when he knew she had done something to stop him from picking it up. And she suddenly appears behind him, grabs her hammer and slams him into the ground, and stands triumphantly over him.

Nora: "You already know you're not worthy to lift it."

Y/n then looks away blushing and Nora walks closer and leans against her hammers.

Nora: "What's wrong pretty boy?"

Y/n: "Upskirt."

She went beet red and grabbed her hammer to bash him into the ground.

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