Trip to Beacon

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Y/n's POV:

Y/n: "Why would Ozpin give someone like me another chance?"

Y/n was standing at a window admiring the view while also thinking of reasons why Ozpin would want him at Beacon when his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar redhead looking out the window next to me.

Ruby: "Wow!'

I then notice more students line up against the window to look at the view.

Ruby: "Look, you can see Signal from up here!"

Y/n: "Well you seem excited?"

Ruby: *Chuckles* "Sorry, I just get excited easily."

She then looks at me and gets a good look and realizes that I was the guy she met last night when fighting Torchwick.

Ruby: *le gasp* "You were there last night at the dust shop."

Y/n: "I was wondering when you would notice."

Blondie: "So Ruby are you gonna introduce me to your new friend?"

We both turn to see a blond girl walk up to us.

Ruby: "Oh! Yang this is... um..."

Y/n: "The names Y/n, and I'm gonna say yours is Yang?"

Yang doesn't say anything instead her eyes just kept darting back and forth between me and Ruby.

Yang: "Gotta hand it to you sis, I'm impressed."

Ruby: "Impressed about what?"

Yang: "Not everyone can get a good looking guy like him on their first day of school."

I simply snicker in amusement as Ruby goes beet red at Yang's comment.

Ruby: "Yang! I promise you that it isn't like that I only just met him last night."

Yang then looks at me with red eyes filled with murderous intent.

Y/n: "Let me explain. I gave her a hand when she was fighting Roman Torchwick last night when he robbed the dust shop she was in."

Yang then looked at Ruby to confirm the story.

Yang: "Is that all?"

Ruby: "That is what happened and it was also part of the reason I'm here right now."

Yang's eyes then turned back to their normal lavender color.

Yang: "Okay good, I would hate to beat up a pretty face like that."

Suddenly we all hear a gagging sound and turn and see a boy about ready to through his guts up.

Y/n: "Well that killed the mood real fast."

Ruby: "It was nice while it lasted."

We all started laughing when the ship suddenly started to shake slightly then the back hatch opened.

Y/N: "Come on let's go"

We were all leaving when suddenly Vomit boy bumps past me and throws his guts out into a trash can. We ignore him and continue our way towards the school.

Ruby/Yang/Y/n: "Wowwwwwwww...."

Yang: "The view from Vale's got nothing on this!"

We both see Ruby start freaking out about something causing her to be drawn in a different art style leaving both of us confused.

Y/n: "Ruby what the fuck?"

Ruby: "Ooh! Ooh! Sis! That kid has a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!

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