That One day

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A young man is sitting in an interrogation room waiting for someone to let him out when a huntsman walks in and sits across from him and sets the boy's file on the table.

Ozpin: "How is it that a young man as quiet as yourself, becomes one of the most wanted men in three of the four kingdoms. *looks at the young man* Why did you do it?"

Y/n: " Why do you want to know?"

Ozpin: "To understand one's actions, you must understand their reasons."

Y/n: "I did it because I'm the only one willing to do what's right to keep the streets clean. *looks to see Ozpin's confused face" I grew up in a rich family, my father was a Huntsman who wouldn't take care of crime for good! So I took it upon myself to do it."

Ozpin: *chuckles* "Well everyone has their way of dealing with problems. But we will deal with that another day. For now, tell me why you're here now?"

With that being said the story is now set in motion, and now only time will give us clarity of this adventure that will unfold.

An airship can be heard ripping through the quiet night like a bullet, disturbing Y/n who was enjoying the silence looks to see the ship landing in a nearby alleyway.

Y/n: "Well what do we have here?"

He said as he grabbed a large greatsword and a pair of pistols and strapped the sword to his back and put his guns in their holsters and made his way over to the alleyway to investigate. He misses the airship dropoff but catches up with the group as they make their way to a shop called From Dust Till Dawn.

Y/n: "Alright then Torchwick what do you have in store for me"

As he finished saying that one of the goons came flying through the window as well as a blur of red which reveals a girl wielding a giant scythe as well as Torchwick motions for the goons to get her.

Y/n: "Ok time to intervene."

He said as he loaded his pistols with gravity dust bullets and was about to open fire when he saw, Little Red starts to kick ass. Then Torchwick finally comes out of the shop disappointed.

Roman: "Gotta admit it, kid, not many people have the guts to stand up to wanted criminals alone."

Y/n: "She's not alone!"*reveals self*

Roman/Ruby: "Who are you?"

Y/n: "Just someone trying to clean up messes others don't."

Roman: "Well, Reds, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening. And as much as I would love to stick around *points cane towards them* I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

Roman shot the pair causing them to leap back and when the smoke cleared Roman was gone.

Y/n: "Where did he go?"

Ruby: "There! Let's get him!"

He then looked where she was pointing and saw Roman climbing a ladder. Ruby propels herself with Crescent Rose while Y/n uses gravity dust bullets to propel himself up the wall.

Ruby: "Hey!"

Y/n *shoots towards Roman* "Might as well stop, got nowhere left to run!"

Roman: "Quite the persistent pair you two are."

An airship then rises from the alleyway surprising them both and shining a light at them blinding them for a second.

Roman: "End of the line, Red!"

He said as he threw a dust crystal at them but Y/n then reacted quickly and shot the crystal and sent it back at roman and then shot a fire dust bolt at it and it detonated in front of the airship. When the smoke cleared two other people showed up a huntress wielding a riding crop, as well as some new girl in the airship who was throwing fire at us. All of them started to open fire then weird rune-like shapes appeared beneath our feet causing the ground to erupt and give the airship time to getaway.

Ruby: "You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?"

Interrogation Room with Y/n

Y/n: "So that is pretty much it as to the reason I got involved."

Ozpin: "So from what you have told me is that you are more of a person who waits for the perfect moment to strike?'

Y/n: "Well it's more like a choice to make myself known, but other than that your spot on."

Ozpin: "Hmm... Interesting." *sips coffee*

Y/n: "And, why is it interesting?"

Ozpin: *chuckles* "To put it rather blatantly, you remind me of an old colleague of mine."

Y/n: "Who are they?"

Ozpin: "That doesn't matter right now, the only thing that matters is your current situation. Now I have two options for you, one you attend Beacon Academy to prove to the other three kingdoms that you can be tamed, or you rot in an Atlesian prison for the rest of your life considering the price ironwood has put on your head."

Y/n: "So my choices are either become a huntsman or die in a prison cell. *sigh* You definitely know how to turn the tides in your favor don't you Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Mr. L/n I don't do this often and if you truly are what they say you are then I will not hesitate to hand you over to General Ironwood."

Y/n: "You're a rather intimidating person behind that principle facade aren't ya?"

Ozpin: "I am a headmaster and I will protect this school and the students if you are deemed a threat. Now, do I make myself clear?"

Y/n: "As clear as day Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Good, then I will see you again in the next couple of days, and don't try to run. We both know what will happen if you do."

Y/n: "I said it before and I'll say it again. My journey is not over. I would rather be a free huntsman than a wanted criminal."

Y/n is allowed to leave and he makes his way to an old warehouse where he had been staying and slowly heads to sleep thinking about what is in store for him.

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