Back in action

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It has been about a week since Y/n ran off Alex managed to track him down again to an old warehouse near the south side of Vale. and let's just say Alex is having a fun time with Y/n's sudden new abilities.

Alex: "Well this is new!"

Alex then darts out of the way as Y/n comes at him at superspeed but instead punches into the wall then kicks Alex into the middle of the room.

Y/n: "Didn't see that coming did you?"

Alex: "You're getting better. But can you keep your cool?"

Y/n: "I know I can, but there has been something that has been bugging me since I left and it's how bad did I hurt the others?"

Alex: "Most of teams RWBY and JNPR have calmed down from the incident, some haven't fully recovered."

Y/n: "What have I done."

Alex: *sigh* "The only ones who still haven't calmed down are Ruby and Pyrrha."

Y/n: "How bad is it?"

Alex: "Well let's just say fear has a grip on Ruby's mind."

Three days ago

It's the middle of the night in the beacon dorms when suddenly the building is woken up by the sound of a girl screaming. People began to poke their heads out of the doorways and Alex and a few members of Team JNPR barged out with weapons drawn.

Ren: "What was that?"

Then suddenly a blur of red came from team RWBY's dorm and Yang quickly followed after her.

Yang: "Ruby, WAIT!!!!"

Alex: "Yang what happened?"

Yang: "She said something about Y/n and then she just ran for it. I don't know everything but we need to find her."

Alex: "Alright then let's go find her."

Pyrrha: "But what about Y/n? If he is here then we need to find him."

Alex: "That's not important what matters is finding Ruby before Y/n does if he is here."

They all then looked at each other than agreed that they needed to find her so they grabbed their weapons and went out to find their friend.

Back in the present

Alex: "So that is what happened with Ruby and it led to a midnight panic with the teachers searching the grounds to find you, and even after finding out it was Ruby seeing things.

Y/n just sat there saddened at what he has caused by simply losing control of his emotions. and it pains him to hear of how afraid of him she was.

Y/n: "And what about Pyrrha

Alex: "She doesn't have a steady hand anymore so battling has caused her a little bit of trouble but overall not much else has happened except for Yang wanting to bash your face in."

Y/n: That makes sense. I did cause a lot of chaos when I snapped. Now you might want to leave. I don't want you getting mixed up in anything in case I get caught.

Now in professor Oobleck's class, we watch as Alex and the others listen and watch him zip around the classroom at breakneck speeds.

Oobleck: "Yes! Yes, before the Faunus Rights Revolution, more popularly known as the Faunus War, humankind was quite adamant about centralizing the Faunus population in Menagerie."

He then sips his coffee and zips around the room with everyone looking at him trying to keep up while some have other things on their mind.

Alex: "(What am I gonna do about Y/n)"

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