Food wars OC Male 2

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Name: Leon Kosh

Age: 17

Gender: male

Hair Color/style/length: the hair is Blonde, his hairstyle is Classic combed back and then he has short hair length

Eye Color: Blue

Personality: He is very creative for making new things like fusion of different culture cuisine of food with his German cooking style and making new dishes. He is also hardworking and dedicated to his craft as a German cook that he is open to listen to his friend's suggestions and he will try it to improve his cooking.

Kitchen utensil: He brings Wusthof knife set

Personal accessory: He wear a grey wool scarf that he wears on his neck to remind him of his hometown of Berlin and when he is challenged or offer a challenge of a food war, he wraps his scarf on his waist to be shown as accepting the challenge.

Style of Food: German cuisine

Personally or Qualities: Skilled, Experienced, competitive, respectful and resourceful

Body Build: fit

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