Chapter 22

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Louis holds out a hand for me to grab as I walk out

Louis: Better?

I smile and hold his hand.

Y/n: Better. Thank you for this... you really don't have to stay if you-

Louis: No. I want to. I want to make you feel safe and welcome. Now shut it and follow me.

I feel butterflies. He WANTS to take care of me. Ughhh I like him sm.

As he walks me back to my room, I hear a giggle coming from it. I look over at him.

Y/n: Louis you haven't seen... bsf/n or Ethan much right?

Louis: Now that you point it out yeah they've been kinda gone.

I hear another person. A boy. "Be quiet we don't want the teachers to hear, we're not supposed to be in each other's rooms.

I feel my heart drop. I let go of Louis hand.

Louis: What's wrong?

Y/n: Did- did this bitch just-

I run over to the door and it's locked. I put my ear to it and hear a kissing noise.


I whisper

Louis runs behind me

Louis: What? What happen-

He hears it too.

Louis: Oh fuck

I look up at him.

Y/n: You don't think that they're...

Louis: God no they just met!!

He puts his ear to the door.

Louis: Oh well shit they might be.

I gag and step away from the door.

Y/n: Now what!? I can't interrupt that, I mean I know she likes him...

Louis looks down. He's still in his swimsuit.

Louis: I mean... we could go to my room? My roommate is Jack. He won't mind, he's a good guy. Besides I need to change

I sigh. I don't want him to change. I like looking at his abs.

Y/n: yeah sure

Louis holds my hand again and we walk to his room, which was right across the pool from mine. Louis takes his key card and opens the door. No ones there yet.

Y/n: Looks basically the same as mine.

Louis sets my bags down and shakes his hair. It's messy and damp and adorable.

Louis: Well I'm gonna change into some comfy clothes and I'll be back in a minute.

The freaky side of me wanted to ask "can I pls come with you" but the good girl side of me decided to let him go alone.

Y/n: Okay... can I lay down?

Louis: Oh yeah please! Make yourself comfy.

I smile and lay back on his bed. His was comfier than mine. I turned to my right and there lays a little Teddy Bear. My heart melted. He sleeps with a teddy😩 I really shouldn't find that attractive. I picked him up and see a little tag on his arm

"To my baby,
Happy birthday. I love you."

I drop the bear. To my... baby? He has a girlfriend? I felt like crying. Just as I was about to fall for him, I find out he's taken. Why would my bsf lie to me about him having a crush on me? I feel my eyes water, and Louis walks back out of his closet.

Louis: I see you've found my teddy bear

He snatches it from me and gives it a hug, but then sees me eyes.

Louis: Y/n! Why are you cryingggg

He lays down next to me. I wipe away my tears.

Y/n: I- I need to go.

Louis: What!? Why?

Y/n: You could have told me you had a girlfriend. I doubt have caused sm trouble.

Louis seems confused.

Y/n: Oh come on I'm not stupid. It says "to my baby"

Louis smiles and laughs.

Louis: Bitch it's my moms present to me when I was 4

I feel fucking stupid.

Y/n: Oh...

I wipe away my tears and lay back down.

Louis: Were you... JEALOUS?


Louis: Yes u were.

Y/n: was not!!!

Louis: It's okay y/n, I think that's cute.

I blush and lay back down. It was late and I was tired. Louis saw.

Louis: Wanna sleep?

I rubbed my eyes.

Y/n: Are you sure your okay with me sleeping here-

Louis: Positive.

I blush as he turns off the lights. DKSJDJJS I'M SLEEPING WITH LOUIS.

**30 minutes later**

I couldn't fall asleep, so I grabbed my phone from my bag and started scrolling on TikTok. Louis turned over and faced me.

Louis: You know screens only make it worse?

Y/n: Ya ya what about it

Louis: Maybe you should try something else to help you sleep?

Y/n: Oh yeah? And what's that.

I turn off my phone and look at him.

Louis: Come here.

He lays with open arms and I move in closer.

Louis: I'll help you sleep.

He pulled the covers over us and wrapped his arms around me. My hand rested on his chest and he closed his eyes.

Louis: Maybe this will help...

I close mine and butterflies ATTACK ME. Ya know what? Screw what I said about liking him. I'm in love with Louis.

(Ps y'all are hilarious in the comments like ily sm)

school trip | louis partridge x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now