Chapter 36

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Once we got back to the resort, no one rlly spoke. I mean we all just went to our rooms and chilled. I was lying on my bed on TikTok and suddenly got a text from Louis.


I have a surprise

Oh yeah?

Mmhmm so can you go to the beach?

Yeah... WHY

I ain't telling u😤

FINNEE I'll be there in like 5 minutes



I sighed and sat up

bsf: where you going?

Y/n: The beach, Louis asked me

bsf: ooooohh have fun

She winks at me and I roll my eyes. I put on some of my sandals and leave for the beach.

Once I make it down to the main level I see Adam and Clara in the pool together. I don't know why Clara find him attractive but then again... it's Clara so...

I make it to the beach and look around and I can't see anyone. I look to the left and right, even up and down. Everywhere, but I can't see Louis.

Suddenly and hand grabs my arm and pull me


I slap the hand but it still holds on. I make eye contact with Louis

Louis: Wow, your feisty

I smile and roll my eyes

Y/n: What do you want?

He pulls me into a kiss for around 5 seconds

Louis: I really needed to see you. Come here.

He starts tugging at my arm again and I follow him. We run by the water and it's cold, but feels nice on my feet.

We make it to this little spot, with a nice blanket laid out, and a pizza box on it.

I smile and look at him

Y/n: Now what's this?

Louis sits down on the blanket and pats the spot next to him

Louis: Come here

I sit down and open the box. He ordered my favorite pizza.

Louis: I don't just wanna be your boyfriend y/n

I eat a slice of pizza and look into his eyes

Louis: I need to know you. Like not just your favorite color. I need to know your family and friends. What's home like and your deepest fears. I can't leave here without knowing you better than anyone.

school trip | louis partridge x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now