Chapter 4

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Me and my group went into the airport and I immediately felt embarrassed. I mean here we are, walking together like little kids, wearing neon orange shirts that say "Eagle Mountain High School Trip" like we're some poster boards.

We make it to security and I set my bag down and walk through the frame. Once everyone finishes, we all walk to our little waiting area and sit down. Flight C7.

I sit down and take a look at the other people boarding the flight. We have a black man in a suit, a ginger young girl eating her boogers, a family...

My eyes trace down all the seats when I see someone... Louis. He sits there with his journal out and his pen in hand.

I slap my mouth with my right hand. This has to be a joke. He's going to Spain too. I feel my face burning up and quickly pull out my phone. I wasn't wearing my AirPods this time though. When I opened my phone, my music from earlier started playing on full blast. Now if that isn't embarrassing enough, it was the song "WAP." I quickly turn down my volume and can feel people staring at me. A few girls in the corner laugh.

I bite my lip and look up. Louis smiles and let's out a laugh. My face turns blood red and I look back down at my phone. I close Spotify and click on TikTok instead.

*1 hour later*

The lady at the desk shares that our flight is now boarding. I look at my phone, and see that it's 2:15 am. I start gathering my things and look at my plane ticket. Aisle B Row 6. The lady calls out Aisle B. I stand up and look to my left. Louis stands up too. Are you kidding me right now. He glances at me too and we both walk up to the lady and hand her out tickets.

We start walking down the hall that leads to the plane and we find ourselves side by side. I begin to worry. This is my first time on a plane.

Louis: Are you nervous?

I shake my head.

Y/n: Pfff no! Why would you think that?

Louis: Your face is bright red...

I swallow and keep looking forward.

Y/n: Why were you looking at me in the first place?

Louis: I needed something to laugh at

He laughs a little and my face burns even more. I keep setting myself up to be embarrassed.

We arrive at the plane and walk to aisle b. Hopefully we don't sit next to each other. I was to row 6 and put my luggage in the overhead compartment. Louis throws his in the one right next to me. I hesitate to sit by the window, but don't want him to think i'm scared. I clear my throat and lift my head high, then carefully place myself in the seat next to the window.

Louis sighs.

Louis: I know your gonna wanna shoot me but... I sit next to you.

I let out a long sigh and close my eyes. Oh gosh. Louis sits down in the seat next to me, which are a lot closer than I'd be comfortable with, and I look out the window. As I look at the planes long wing I begin to panic. I really didn't think of how scary this would be for me until now. I guess I must have been breathing fast, or was shaking because Louis asked:

Louis: Hey are you okay?

He leaned forward and tried to see my face but I turned away.

Y/n: Uhhh yeah!! No I'm perfect, just perfect.

Louis: Sure seems like it

I look down and close my eyes as the captain starts speaking.

Captain: Good morning flyers! This is your Captain speaking and I'm going over just a few short details for our flight today.

As he speaks I feel more nervous. Louis seems to notice my fear. He keeps looking down at me and I can feel it.

Captain: That's all folks! Enjoy your flight!

Only a few seconds later I feel like plane begin to move.

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