Chapter 29

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After me and Louis made out in the hot tub, we decided to head in for the night. We decided to sneak me into his room for the night.

Y/n: Be quiet!!

Louis: Sorryyyyy!!

We held hands as we ran by the teachers lounge to the boys side of the rooms.

Y/n: Okay... now shush.

We hopped in the elevator and when the doors closed, finally we relaxed.

Louis: Phew. This is fun!!

Y/n: Yeah... can I give you kisses?

He smiles

Louis: You don't have to ask

I giggle a little and kiss him on the lips.

The doors open and we hurry out and run to his room.

We make it to the door and he slowly locks it

Louis: Yay now we get to be alone for the whole night!!

I tilt my head

Y/n: What abt Jack?

Louis smirks

Louis: He's spending the night with Macy


Louis runs over and puts a finger on my lips.

Louis: Shh... just because we're here doesn't mean we're mute.

He slowly takes away his finger as I nod.

Louis: I'm gonna change into some joggers or something. Be right back.

He runs into his closet and I grab his teddy bear. It smells like him and I love it. I hide it under my covers and close my eyes.

Around 2 minutes later, Louis comes back. He's wearing only a pair of gray joggers... no shirt. He throws me a sweatshirt and some of his pants, and I smile as I change into them. When I finish he hops in bed next to me. He rests his head on my chest, and I start to stroke the side of his neck again. I can see him get sleepy.

Louis: Look how far we've come...

I continue relaxing him.

Y/n: What do you mean?

He closes his eyes and squeezed me tighter. The warmth of his bare skin gives me butterflies.

Louis: You used to hate my guts

He laughs a little and I do too. I continue rubbing his neck.

Louis: But after that day at the restaurant... I started falling for you. Even though you literally died... I watched the way you laughed at something funny. The way your face lit up when your bsf was talking to you. Just every little move made me fall for you.

I kissed the top of his head and hold him like he's my own. I move my hand from his neck to his arm, to his hand. He grabs mine and closes his eyes.

Louis: Your the best

I smile and close mine. His head on my chest, legs crossing, faces close, as I cuddled the boy I love.

**that night at around 2 in the morning**

The bed suddenly shakes and I open my eyes fast to see Louis sitting straight up. His back toward me. I sit up too and put a hand on his back.

Y/n: Woah woah what's wrong?

I look at his eyes, and they have a shiny look to them. I realize it's tears. They sit in his eyes and he tries not to let them drop.

Y/n: Louis what's wrong baby?

I lay him back down on my chest again and feel a few warm tears deep through onto my skin.

Y/n: Louis?

I can hear his voice shaking as he cries quietly onto my shirt.

Louis: I don't wanna leave you

He cries a little louder and I hold his head closer to mine.

Y/n: Shhh it's okay...

He cries more and I feel my heart crumble. His cry was so genuine and it made me so insanely sad.

Louis: I can't go back home knowing I won't see you again!

His cry begins to be a little too loud and I slowly stroke his neck again.

Y/n: No Louis...

I just hold him as he cries into my shirt. Slowly helping him sleep. I kiss his lips once and rest my cheek on his head.

Y/n: I know... I know it's gonna be hard okay but we can make it through it... we graduate school soon! We can go to college together and have nights like these all the time.

Louis crying slows down and I continue stroking the side of his neck. I watch it slowly put him to sleep, and when he's out, I stop. I kiss the top of his head and wrap my arms around him

Y/n: I love you Louis...

school trip | louis partridge x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now