Getting to know you

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OK so I have no idea were I'm going with this I do have something in mind but I can't put it to quickly you know? but this is a simple chapter not really that interesting so I'm sorry to disappoint ~mar


It was the next morning and I was basically going to spend the day with Yua. It seems so strange now knowing that I had a little sister I never grew up with. I don't even know what to talk about and how about if I'm not interesting to her ? Or what if she turns out being a brat or something. I finally got a text message from Yua saying that she was already here. I don't know why I was nervous but it was a good thing though. I opened the door and let her in.

Asami: Hey you ready to hang out with me for the day ?

Yua: yeah I guess.... What's the plan ?

Asami: i was thinking we can stay in and just talk while we watch some movies and eat pizza ?

Yua: that's cool... umm is that girl going to be here ?

Asami: you mean Korra ?

Yua: yeah she seems nice

Asami: well that's good to hear but yeah she's going to come over but she's at therapy she'll come back home in an hour

Yua: home ? She lives with you ?

Asami: well yeah

Yua: is she your girlfriend or something?

Asami: Um something like that

Yua: that's nice ... did dad know about it ? he didn't but he found out after everything... anyways let's go to the living room we can talk some more there.

We walked towards the living room as we both sat down on the couch and started playing some movies on Hulu

Yua: So I'm pretty sure you have questions about me and everything

Asami: well yeah I do but don't you have questions about me ?

Yua: I guess but I mean i would mostly just read about you in the news papers

Asami: wait so how long did you know about me

Yua: pretty much my whole life dad wou talk about you a lot

Asami: how often did you see him

Yua: only when he went on business trips without you he would end up taking me instead.

Asami: wow i didn't know that

Yua: I tried asking him if I could meet you but he always told me no... I started to feel neglected since you were the only one the world knew about and I was just hidden in Secret. Like if he was disappointed to have me. I never grew up the way you did... I live in a small apartment with my mom and dad would just give us enough money to survive.

Asami: I'm sorry to hear that but if you guys ever just want to come live with me you can

Yua: thanks but I think we're good

Asami: So what school do you go to ?

Yua: oh I'm homeschooled dad didn't want me to go to a public school since I have his last name and word would get out.

Asami: So you don't have any friends?

Yua: I do but she lives on the little Island in Republic city

Asami: What's her name ?

Yua: Jinora she's pretty nice but that's the only person dad allowed me to be friends With

Asami: well from now on you are no longer hidden so if you'd like i can talk to your mom about letting you go to a public school

Yua: Are you Serious ?!

Asami: of course I am why would I wanna keep you hidden ?

Yua: I don't know but this means so much

Asami: you just better keep your grades up

Yua: don't worry i'm pretty smart for a kid my age

Asami: So you're telling me you're a genius?

Yua: well I am part Sato

Asami: that's great maybe someday you can go on some business trips with me and we can actually do stuff together

Yua: That sounds like so much fun I will be definitely down !

Asami: well since Korra is going to be coming over do you want to invite your friend we can have a small girls night

Yua: yeah I can ask Jinora

While she called her friend I got a message from Korra saying she was out so I needed to go pick her up. Since I was going to pick her up I decided to go pick up Yua's friend as well we stopped by and saw 2 girls waiting Im guess the Oder one was Yua's friend but who was the other one ? Yua got out of the car and went up to them. She hugged the older girl then shook the hand of the other girl but the younger girl turned red.... wait does she have a thing for Yua ? I mean why else would she get all flustered ? Yua came back to the car.

Yua: Hey Sami is it okay if Jinora's little sister tags along ?

Asami: little sister ? Um yeah why not

They all ended staying the night and knocked out by 10pm. Korra and I covered them with blankets then headed to my room. We both crawled under my covers and just coddled as we talked in the dark.

Korra: So how was it ?

Asami: how was what ?

Korra: you know talking to Yua

Asami: it was good I'm going to put her in public school and start taking her on some Business trips

Korra: wait so how would that work ? Like Will you guys share the company ?

Asami: well yeah I'll just make her my Business partner

Korra: that sounds like a good plan

Asami: that's only if she wants it though

Korra: she seems like a smart kid but i guess we'll see later on in the future

Asami: yeah but did you see how that girl was looking at Yua?

Korra: who Jinora?

Asami: no her little sister

Korra: how old is she anyway?

Asami: she's 10

Korra: you think she might have a thing for Yua ?

Asami: maybe ? I mean she was blushing like how you blush with me

Korra: I do not blush !

Asami: you totally do ! I can still get you all flustered if I wanted too

Korra: no you can't

I smiled and leaned in to kiss Korra soft but passionately and slowly went up to her ear making sure my lips were softly rubbing against it as a moan into her ear. I had a big grin on my face as i saw Korra turn red

Asami: that was way too easy

Korra: that's not fair ! I'm going to sleep

Asami: Awe don't be mad haha can we at least cuddle ?

Korra: fine whatever

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