The hidden secret

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I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner but I seriously didn't know what else to think of till now so I hope you like it ~ mar


It's been over a month since the day they took Mr.Sato ever since that day I was basically I'm traumatized. I've been getting better though Asami has been making me go see a therapist. It's actually been working and just talking to him makes me feel a lot better. Tenzin is the best therapist in Republic city. I still feel bad for Asami.... she had to witness what her father truly is when this whole time she thought he was so perfect. For a moment there she actually thought that she might have killed him. She might be upset with him but I know she misses him. Lately she's been talking to all his employees...well now they're her employees since she took over the company, but turns out I wasn't the only one. There were five more girls besides me and One of them said that they needed to talk to Asami about something important. The woman was around her late 30s or something but we setted up a meeting so we can talk to her. As of right now I was just sitting down on the couch watching some TV waiting for Asami  to come home. Not even 10 minutes later I hear the door open and see Asami walk in with the lady, but I was surprised when I saw another person walking. This person was younger than us. She was 11 years old with pale skin and straight  black hair and her eyes were green just like the older ladies. I quickly turn off the TV and Asami sits next to me as they sit on the other couch. The lady looked pretty nervous but it was understandable.

Asami: OK I know this is a hard topic to talk about but if you can please tell me anything about my father. We can win this fight against him and he will no longer be able to come out.

Lady: yes I'm so sorry do you want me to start from the beginning?

Asami: yes please and i'll be recording all this if it's fine with you.

Lady: of course it's ok

Asami Press the record button

Asami: ok you may start from the beginning

Lady: It all started when I began working for the future industry. I was 21 years old at the time and Mr.Sato would always talk to me in the beginning. It was nothing strange, just harmless flirting, but one day it just became more than that. I was moving up from positions but for a cost.... He will Call it  a trade or a fever. I did something for him and he'll do something for me. I really didn't want to but he was threatening me saying if I didn't do as I was told I will get fired and will never find a job since he could put a bad name on me and at that point no job would want me. So I did as I was told and did the favors he asked me. They were all sexual favors and this kept going for years. Until one day I found out something.......

Asami: you found out what?

Lady: i'm sorry I'm just really nervous

Asami: it's ok to be nervous but I'm here and will help you out

Lady: One night I wasn't feeling good so I went to the doctor. I thought I had the flu or something... but turns out I was.... pregnant.... The only guy I've been with was your father since he would threaten me saying I couldn't see any other guy. So I knew it was his.

My eyes widen with shock and looked at Asami Who had the same face reaction

Lady: I know this is shocking.... but when I found out I was 23. I told him about it and he fully supported the baby, but The only thing was he kept the baby secret and no one else knew except for the doctor and the nurses who he paid to keep quiet. I had the baby at 24....

Asami: And how old are you now ?

Lady: 36

Asami looked at the young girl sitting next to the lady

Asami: So ?

Lady: I hate to introduce you to her like this but this is my daughter Yua Sato she's 12 years old now. I'm sorry that we had to hide this from you Asami ...

But Asami was speechless because she had a sister that she never knew about... A sister that she never grew up with....

Asami: wait she's only 6 years younger then me?
But that means ?

Lady: I'm sorry but yes he was having an affair

Asami: that bastard.... I just really don't know what to think right now... I had a sister for so long and never knew about it.

Lady: I know this is difficult but -

Asami: would it be okay.... would it be okay if she can spend time with me ? Maybe sleep over for a couple of days just so we can get to know each other ?

Lady( smiles ): of course I'm ok with that but it's up to Yua

All 3 of us looked at the girl as she was still silent throughout this whole conversation.. she blushed out of  nervousness

Yua: Umm sure why not ?

This was a really big step for Asami. I mean there's no denying that she was your sister. She basically looked like a younger version of Asami but with perfect straight hair. I just wondered how this was going to turn out. This was all new but I guess it was going to be fun.

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