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Today is the day I'm going to be showing Korra Around republic city and I was thinking about showing her some of my friends since we're around the same age. I think it would be nice for her to meet new people and become friends with them too. I get out of bed, take a shower brush my teeth and put on my make up then head straight to Korra's door then knock. No one answered so I slowly opened the door just peeking in and saw that she was still asleep. She kinda looks cute while sleeping. I slowly stepped in going towards her bed and leaned down. She looked so cute and peaceful I just wondered how it would feel if our lips would touch? I wondered if her hug's would be warm and how her hair smelled. Her tan skin looked flawless, I just felt like letting my fingers touch her skin. Just to feel how soft it truly is.

Korra: So do you just watch all your guests sleep?

Asami( blushing) what? no of course not !

Korra: then you must be a pervert or a creep

Asami: No I just came in to wake you up so we can go around the city!

Korra: yeah okay I believe you

Asami: shut up and just get ready

Korra: of course Sato

She Smirked at me and I blushed and looked away then she got up to take a shower. I left the room and went downstairs to the living room and waited for her to finish. I pulled out my phone to text my friends

Asami: is anyone awake?

Bolin: of course

Opal: yeah what's up

Asami: would you guys be down to show my dad's guest around town?

Opal: is it that cute girl

Asami: yes, but don't tell her that I think she's cute !

Bolin: wait what happened to mako

Asami: he didn't tell you ?

Bolin: tell me what ?

Asami: he broke up with me after we had sex

Bolin: for real! Wow I'm sorry

Opal: I've never liked Mako, sorry bo

Bolin: none taken, I mean Mako is a good brother but with the ladies he's Kind of a jerk

Asami: exactly, thanks for understanding

Bolin: always, so when are we meeting up ? And where ?

Asami: umm in about 40 minutes at Narook's Seaweed Noodlery


Asami: I think it'll be a good place to go since Korra is from the Southern

Opal: that sounds great

Bolin: so her name is Korra, and how old is she ?

Asami: umm 17

Opal: and she's working for you father?!

Bolin: I thought your father didn't allow miners

Asami: well I guess he really liked Korra

Korra finally came downstairs and walked toward me.

Korra: so what's the plan for today Sato

Asami: well I was thinking we can meet some of my friends at this restaurant first

Korra: aren't you grounded?

Asami: yeah but I thought it'll be nice for you to meet new people since, you only know me so far

Korra: that's true okay sounds like fun then

I smiled at her then headed to my car as she followed behind me. We got in and went straight to Narook's Seaweed Noodlery. I parked the car and got off with Korra and took her inside where Opal and Bolin were waiting for us at a table in the back of the shop. We walked to the back and sat down next to each other facing Bolin and Opal.

Asami: Korra these are my friends Opal and Bolin

Bolin: Nice to meet you Korra I can't wait to hear about you ! I heard that you're 17 ? I'm 16. I really like your hair and hope we become best friends!

Opal: I'm Opal and I also can't wait to hear about you

Korra( giggling) nice to meet you guys! Yes I'm 17 and thanks I just cut it before moving here and I hope we become best friends as while

Boiln: so if you don't mind me asking, do you have a boyfriend? Or a partner?

Opal: Bo you can't just ask that to people you just met

Korra: ha it's okay but my answer is no I don't have anyone right now

Bolin: So what are you into ? Like what's your type

Korra: um I don't really have a type I just go with the vibe I guess

Bolin: would you say my dear old friend Asami is your type ?

When he asked that question I was drinking some water so when I heard him say that I spit out all the water in a panic and some of it dripped out my nose, and I blushed and looked straight at Bolin who was now wet. Opal laughed a little but covered her mouth trying not to sound too loud. Korra had a calm face.

Korra: Yeah she's my type

Bolin: so you feel a vibe with her?

Korra: Well yeah but it could never happen. Since her dad is my boss, I mean I'm pretty sure I'd get in trouble for that .

Opal: Okay how about we eat sum food !

We ate our food and talked some more. Korra was telling us how it's like in the south and how she was always homeschooled. So she never actually had friends as a kid. That made me wonder, did she ever dated anyone? She kept talking about how she didn't have anyone and never mentioned anything about an Ex. Too bad she said that she wouldn't go out with me because of my father being her boss, but she did say I'm her type. So maybe I do have a shot with her ! I mean my dad doesn't need to know about us. Girls always do gay things so he wouldn't have a clue. The most he'll think is that she's my new best friend. Then she wouldn't lose her job, but how would I convince her to lie to my dad ? Or to even to have a thing with me ?

This one is kinda boring lmao but I promise there's gonna be shit in this one story y'all are not going to think would happen. I just need to slowly add up to it lmao ~ Mar

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