The guest

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My boyfriend mako was dropping me off at home. I've been dating him for about 6 months and things were going okay. My name is Asami Sato. I'm 18 years old and yes my father is the CEO of Future industries. As we pulled up to my house mako wanted to have a talk before I left inside.

Mako: look I think we need to break up and I think this is for the best. I love you but I want to enjoy my college Experience. I'll make new friends and I'll grow as a person and you can do the same Sami. I mean we had a good run so don't be sad. You know that I never wanted to hurt you.

Mako leans in to try and kiss me but I slap him

Mako: ouch !

Asami: Fucking asshole ! You couldn't Done this Earlier you know before we had sex ?!

I get out of the car and go inside my house then walk into the kitchen where my dad was reading the newspaper.

Hiroshi: oh look who Decided to finally come home.good I don't need to write you a note.

Asami: sorry I was out with Mako

Hiroshi: You're always out with Mako. I don't like you staying out all night.

Asami: come on dad I'm 18 I can stay out as long as I want.

Hiroshi: I don't care Asami. This is my house so it's my rules and you have to follow them. So for now You're grounded

Asami: Grounded ? I'm 18 you can't do that

Hiroshi: I mean it Asami and no Mako can not come over

Asami: You won't need to worry about him we broke up

Hiroshi: Thank God you dumped him, you were too good for him. You would've had a better Great if it wasn't for him .

Asami: I graduated top of my class

Hiroshi: yes you did but you hand two A- and I know you Could've done better. You see I just want the best for you. If your mother would be alive she would want the same thing.

Asami: she would want me to be happy

Hiroshi: we're not gonna argue right now Asami. No going out and no boys allowed. I'll talk to you when I get back from My business trip.

Asami: how about when I need to go buy some food or stuff that I just need ? You can't keep me as a prisoner

Hiroshi: okay Asami but only in the morning you can go do some shopping but after that I want you back home. Or else

Asmai: anything else ?

Hiroshi: Yes actually I have an employee starting at the company next week. She's going to be staying here so you have to show her to one of the guests rooms. So please try and be helpful.

He says as he leaves out the door. I go and grab myself some bread and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Since I haven't eaten all day I was just really hungry. After I was done eating I went upstairs to my room, took off my shoes and kicked him off to the side and I took a small nap.
An hour or so later I hear the doorbell so I get up. go all the way back downstairs and open the door. I saw this cute tan girl with blue eyes standing right in front of it. She looked pretty cute probably around my age. She also had short hair and seemed pretty muscular. She was just wearing a regular blue shirt with dark blue jeans and smiled at me.

Korra: hi I'm Korra Mr. Sato said I was Supposed to stay in a room here

Asami: He mentioned someone coming I'm his daughter Asami Sato you can follow me

Korra: thanks

The tan girl Picked up her bags and follow me inside

Korra: wow this place is Bigger Then I imagined
It's nice

Asami: yeah thanks I think this place is really big for just me and my dad

Korra: So do you not like it here ?

Asami: no i do like it but it just has so much memory of my mom

Korra: what happened to her ?

Asami: she pass away when I was 9

Korra: oh I'm sorry to hear that

Asmai: it's okay it was a long time ago, would you like some water?

Korra: yeah sure

I went to the Fridge and pulled out a bottle of water then handed it to the blue-eyed girl .

Korra: thanks

Asami: okay let's go to your room

She followed me Up the stairs and down the hall where my room was like 3 doors away from hers. I opened the door for her and let her walk in before I did.

Korra: wow this room is so big

Asami: if you think this rooms big you should check out mine

Korra: I should ! But maybe in a later time. Who decorates the rooms ?

Asami: actually I did

Korra: really? It's nice I love it feels so cozy, what size bed is this ?

Asami: it's a Queen, so you're bedroom also comes with its Personal bathroom

Korra: really that's so nice ! It's so sweet.

Asami: yeah so imma just leave you here and let you get Settled in.

Korra: thanks a lot Sami

I smiled and walked out. Did she just give me a nickname? That's so cute ... damn I forgot to ask how old she is. I just I'll just ask next time I see her. I went back into my room and texted Opal.

Asami: so my dad I just hired this new girl for the company  and she seems pretty cute and all but I don't know her age

Opal: well she's old enough to work, what's her name ?

Asami : her name is Korra and she's staying her with us

Opal: for how long ?

Asami: I don't know I think until she can afford to move out

Opal: So what are you going to do ?

Asami: what do you mean ?

Opal: well it seems like you're interested in her

Asami: I don't know, she's my dads employee plus i don't know if she's gay or not

Opal: well become her friend and fine out

Asami: I think I might just do that

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