🦖🦕CHAPTER 39🦖🦕

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*At Karasuno*

Tsukishima's POV:

Y/N is not here so I'm with Yamaguchi always. I don't know why Y/N is so jealous of Maddie, I mean Maddie is just an annoying classmate for me.


Speaking of Y/N.

I hate Maddie, she's always following me everywhere and trying to start a conversation

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I hate Maddie, she's always following me everywhere and trying to start a conversation.

"Tsukki" I heard Yamaguchi called me. I turned to him with a blank expression.

"Let's go to the Library" he said and I just nodded.

On our way to the library but there is an annoying classmate that keeps bothering me.

"Tsukishima" Maddie called me but I ignored her. She grabbed my arm and she pulls it making me facing her.

"What?" I said not interested to her

"do you want to go to the bakery later? I can buy you some strawberry shortcake" she said. My eyes sparkled when she said 'strawberry shortcake' but I remembered

'stay away from Maddie'

"nope, I have practice" I said

"After practice" she said with begging eyes and pouting

You ain't cute like Y/N

"no" I said then walked away.

"I thought you're going to say yes" I heard Yamaguchi said.

"Nah, she's annoying" I said and he agreed and giggled.

*Timeskip At Practice*

"GO TSUKISHIMAAAA" Maddie yelled making me frown.

"wow, Tsukishima has a fan" Hinata said making me groaned and hit him with the ball.

"OW, what was that for?" he winces and frowned but I rolled my eyes and walked off.

"GUYS GATHER AROUND" coach Ukai said making us formed a circle.

"Y/N is not here so we are going to practice by ourselves. Next week is our match with Shiratorizawa so be ready and prepare. Y/N, Kiyoko, and Yachi will give you some papers about the opponents when Y/N is here." he said making us nod.

To be honest, I'm not nervous because it's just a game. The girls' team will also compete Shiratorizawa and I know Y/N is nervous.

"Ok, guys you can go home now and rest" coach Ukai announced and we all nod and say goodbye.

I grabbed my bag and put all my things in.

"Tsukishima" I heard Maddie and I groaned.

"Let's go to the bakery" she said but I ignored her.

"Tsukki let's go" Yamaguchi called me and I nodded. I glanced at Maddie that looks so angry. I smirked and walked away with Yamaguchi.

Maddie's POV:

Tsukishima ignored me. It hurt af.

"Maddie, you going home now?" I heard Hinata called me and I shook my head no.

"Oh, ok then I'll go ahead, bye" he said and I nodded. I sat on the bench and think what should I do for Tsukishima to notice me. After a few minutes of thinking, I decided to go home because its getting dark.

While walking I kept thinking about what should I do. How about starting a conversation?

No no Maddie, you've done that already.

How about buying him a strawberry shortcake?

Yes? Maybe no.

"Ugh what will I do?" I whispered to myself and pulled my hair in frustration. I finally reached my house and I directly go to my room and start thinking again.

Maybe if I confess to him he will not ignore me anymore?

I rolled over my bed and hit my head

Stupid Maddie, he will ignore more

"what to do" I mumbled and looked at Tsukishima's photo that I took while he's practicing.

"what to do" I mumbled and looked at Tsukishima's photo that I took while he's practicing

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So hot

I shook my head and cleared my mind and shut my eyes and sleep.

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