🦖🦕CHAPTER 12🦖🦕

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Tsukishima's POV:

Y/N passed out. Holding Y/N and I quickly called everyone's attention. We all panicked and they let Y/N lay down on my lap. They grab some towels and a thermometer from the clinic.

"told you stay at home, now look at you dumbass" I mumbled and brush her hair.

"Tsukishima here" I looked up and saw Ennoshita giving me the thermometer.

"maybe it would be better if Kiyoko or Yachi checks Y/N's Temperature" I said to him then Kiyoko appeared out of nowhere.

"Why us? You're Y/N's boyfriend what's the matter?" she asked me making me gulped and shook my head.

I put the thermometer on Y/N's armpit slowly so she wouldn't wake up. We wait patiently then FINALLY it's done.


I check her temperature and it's 38.9 C.

God Y/N

"Tsukishima, I think it's better if you skip practice for the next few days and take good care of Y/N" coach Ukai said and I nodded.

*Timeskip Y/N's House*

I laid Y/N on her bed and took off her shoes and socks. I stared at Y/N and prayed silently to get well soon.

I go downstairs and cooked some soup again. I shook Y/N to wake up. She sat up and smelled the soup.

"what's that smell" she asked

"soup idiot" I answered. I tried feeding her but she's refusing it.

"come on eat it" I put the spoon near  Y/N's mouth but she refused.

"eat you dumbass" I'm getting irritated and worried because she hasn't eaten yet. I sigh and try to relax.

"Please baby Y/N" I pouted and give her begging eyes. She giggled and said.

"I don't trust that soup anymore" she said angrily. I raised my eyebrow and asked why. "because the last time I ate my food you put medicine in it" she explained and pouted. I chuckled

"I promised that I will not put medicine anymore, right?" I said and she nodded and sigh in defeat. She ate the one on the spoon and I gave her a second mouthful of a spoon then she ate it.

But little did she know, I put her medicine again into her soup. Before she can spit it out I gave her a warning look and she gave me teary eyes but she swallowed it. She cried again

"You promisedddd" she whined and cried.

"but not all promises are fulfilled" I smirk and making her cry even more then she laid down and cover herself with the blanket.

"Oi finish this" I said to her.

"NO" she shouted and I chuckled.

Such a baby.

I put the soup aside and patted her shoulder gently. I stood up but she stopped me

"Kei" she said weakly. I turn around and hummed. "cuddle me" she said making my heart beat fast like it's gonna explode anytime.

"idiot, I will be infected too" I said making her pout. Cute

"Please baby Kei, for baby Y/N?" she begged and I sigh. I laid beside her on the bed and hugged her and removed the hair that was blocking her beautiful face . "if you get infected, I will take care of you" she said making me chuckled

"I don't want to, you can't even take care of yourself, then you're going to take care of me? Nice joke Y/N" I said sarcastically making her slap my chest.

I looked at her and she's asleep already. I pecked her forehead and whispered

"I love you"

Your Baby Kei~ (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now