🦖🦕CHAPTER 14🦖🦕

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I heard Hinata called my name so I go to him.

"hey Y/N, meet kenma his my best friend" he said to me presenting his best friend

"Kozume Kenma" he said tiredly, sounds like a whisper.

He looks like a cat

"Hi I'm Satsuki Y/N nice to meet you" I said

"Oi Kenma" a familiar voice called him. I turned around and saw Kuroo

"Oh hi Kuroo" I greeted him and he greeted me back

"WAHHHH, H-How do you know him?" Hinata asked me.

"Uhm it's a long story" I said making Kuroo nervously laugh

*Timeskip coz I'm lazy*

I'm sitting on the gym bench because the boys and girls are having a practice match again and I asked coach Ukai if I can skip practice for now because we have a test tomorrow and luckily he agreed.

"ughhh" I groaned in annoyance because we have a test tomorrow...MATH TEST

"How to solve this fucking shit problem" I mumbled to myself hopefully no one heard it.

"Hey Y/N what's that?" Nishinoya asked me.
"a stupid lesson" I said. "let me see, as your amazing senpai, I'll help you answer that" he said making me giggled cause I know he hates math.

I gave him my math book to show but he quickly returned it to me.
"nope, math nuh uh" he said making me laugh.

"Oi dumbass what's that" Tsukishima asked me. "nothing" I answer him.

"you don't want help? Ok fine have it your way" he said and walk off but I grabbed his arm  "wait help me pleaseeeeeee" asking for his help and I pouted and give him puppy eyes.

"Oh come on Tsukki help your girlfriend pass her exam tomorrow" Yamaguchi help me convince Tsukishima.

"please baby Kei" I shook him slowly and pout more.

"tch, fine library now" he said then walk away.

"thanks Yamaguchiiii" I thanked him and he winked at me.

*At Library*

"let's seat over there" he said and I followed him and I followed him. He took out his math notes and throw them at me and I frowned.

"wow thank you for passing it nicely" I gave him a fake smile and rolled my eyes.

"you're welcome" he said with a grin

He stared at me and I stare him back not knowing what to do.

I thought he's gonna help me

"Hey" I said breaking the silence and he simply raised his brows making the 'what' expression. "I thought you're gonna help me" I said to him

"I am helping you" he said making me confuse.

"by what exactly?" I asked him

"by giving you my notes, now go and study, I'm just gonna look at you until you answer it correctly" he said making me frowned

"What's wrong with youuu, I got sick and then I couldn't attend classes and then you wouldn't help me" I whined making the librarian hush us.

"sick my ass" he said and flicked my forehead making me pout. "and I was also absent because I took care of you so don't whine at me and answer" he demanded and I pouted even more.

"please baby Kei" I pouted more and give him the best puppy eyes. "for baby Y/N?" I give him small smile but he ignores me

How rude

After a few minutes of begging I made a deal. "Ok I'm going to treat you, anything you want just help me with this problem" I said to him.

"anything I want?" he asked and smirk

"yes, anything just help me with this one" I said begging him and he smirks again.

"Ok, I want your scarf" he said and smirk

"wahhhhh" I tried to refuse but I think again

'If this is the only way for him to help me fine'

"k fine just help meeee" I whine again

"and" he added. I raised my eyebrows giving him my confused look.

"buy me strawberry shortcake" he added making me sigh and agreed.

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