🦖🦕CHAPTER 17🦖🦕

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*After a Few Days*

Tsukishima's POV:

A few days after the incident, Y/N and I became even closer and because of that I fell in love with her even more.

I always pick her up with Yamaguchi and take her from their house and to school and vise versa. Yamaguchi and Y/N have become friends as well.

and that makes me jealous tch.

"Hey, can we go through the milk tea shop? because I'm craving for..." Y/N said

"Vanilla Milktea?" Yams finished Y/N's sentence

"Yeah, how did you know? You are my friend" she answered making them laugh. I glared at Yams giving him a warning look to STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND

Fake girlfriend, I mean.

"so how are you two?" Yams asked making me confuse

"What do you mean how are we? We are always together" Y/N answered.

"No silly, what I mean is how is your relationship" he makes it clear.

"Oh fine I guess" I answered him

"Baby Keiiiii" Y/N whined and I looked at her and raised my brows

"can we cuddle later?" she asked me making my eyes widen and blush

"Uhm... Uh, sure baby Y/N" I answered and gave her a small smile.

"damn I wish I have a girlfriend" Yams mumbled making us giggled.

We arrived at the milk tea shop and Y/N ordered her Vanilla Milktea because she said she's craving it.

then suddenly Yamaguchi out of nowhere booped  Y/N's nose making her giggle and making me frown.

"what was that for?" she asked while rubbing her nose

"Nothing, you're just cute like a baby" Yams explain

"Yeah but she's MY baby" I said and rolled my eyes then I heard them giggled. I walked away leaving them two.

"Tsukki is JEeeaAaaallllOuuss" I heard Yams shouted but I ignore him


I can't believe Tsukishima is jealous of Yamaguchi, I mean we are all friends here well except for Tsukishima he's still my fake boyfriend.

"and he's jealous goodluck Y/N" he said to me making me frowned

"Whaaaa this is your fault but...Nah just let him be" I said and we chuckled. 

Why is he jealous?

*At school*

I saw Kei with... A girl?

Is that the one that he likes? Ugh luckyyy

I saw them talking and the girl was laughing but Yachi took my attention.

"Y/N we have a meeting today don't you remember? All of them are waiting for you two" she said

"you two?" I asked her

"Yeah you and your boyfriend" she answered making me blush "you go get your boyfriend, bye Y/N" she waves and walked off

Right, I go and get my fake boyfriend

"Baby Keii" I shouted and walk towards him. I grabbed his arm and cling to him

"baby keii we have a meeting today, remember?" I told him making him shock

"Right, see you later Maddie" He said making me glare at the girl. Tsukishima look at me then I smiled at him and we made our way to the gym.

"Why are you jealous of Yamaguchi?" I asked him.

"idiot, I'm not jealous, assuming much?" He answered making me roll my eyes.

*At Gym*

"Finally the lovebirds are here" I heard coach Ukai said.

"Let's go back to what I said, the training camp is tomorrow, you should be here early. 5 am sharp we are leaving school, you should bring your jersey, because no uniform no play. And for Y/N you can also join their game so bring your jersey as well." coach Ukai told us.

"I will sleep with the other coaches. Managers will sleep with other managers." he added making us nodded.

*Timeskip At Lunch*

Me, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi went to the canteen to buy our lunch.

"Oi dumbass go and find a seat for us, I'll buy you your lunch" Tsukishima said making my heart beat faster.

"eh uhm sure" I walked away and find some seat. I already found a seat for us but near the girl who Tsukishima calls 'Maddie'.

I would have looked for another seat but Yamaguchi saw me already and wave hi to me.

We sat and I remained silent. "Why are you not talking Y/N?" Yamaguchi asked me and
I did the 'I don't know pose' and he hesitantly nodded then Tsukishima came with my and his lunch. He gave me my lunch and the 'Maddie' called him

"Hey Tsukishima" she said trying to be cute and I glared at her. "see you later ok?" she added and left.

Later? Where are they going? Ugh Y/N don't mind them you're not his girlfriend after all

"oi" Tsukishima called me breaking my thoughts and I hummed.

"eat your food" he said pointing to my food. "right" I said plainly. I ate my food quietly. Tsukishima flick my forehead making me whine in pain and ask him what was that for'

"Why are you so quiet?" he answered.

"I don't know" I replied back

"tch whatever" he said and stood up "I'm going with Maddie now, Yamaguchi accompany Y/N" he added.

Before Yamaguchi can complain, Tsukishina left immediately and we saw his headphones on the table.

"hey Y/N, Tsukki left his headphones here. You should give it to him later" Yamaguchi said and gave the headphones and I nodded.

After a few minutes, we finished our lunch but decided to stay longer.

"Hey" I said to Yamaguchi and he looked at me and hummed

"who is Maddie?" I ask him. "oh she's my and Tsukki's classmate" he answered

"Uhm, does Tsukishima like Maddie?" I asked nervously and he laughs. "why are you laughing?" I said then he patted my head and laugh even more.

"silly Y/N, why would you think such a thing? You're Tsukki's girlfriend remember?" he answered

Right I'm his fake girlfriend

Tsukishima's POV:

I left Y/N and Yamaguchi in the canteen but I then remember that I forgot my headphones on the table so I went there again to get them but then I saw Yamaguchi patted Y/N's hair and laugh


They are both laughing making me frowned and I decided to get it later. I went to the library and saw Maddie seating waving.

"hey," she said and I just look at her.

"so the teacher said that we need to revise our thesis, God I don't want to do it anymore" she blurted out and chuckled.

"shall we start? So that we can finish it early" she suggests it and I nodded.

What's with Yamaguchi? He knows that I'm Y/N's boyfriend. Damn he's making me jealous

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