🦖🦕CHAPTER 82🦖🦕

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The door opened again revealing the doctor.

"Hi Mrs. Tsukishima, how are you?" she greeted me making me blush because of 'Mrs. Tsukishima'

"I-I'm fine" I answered her and she nodded.

"well you can go home by later now and make sure to take some rest" she announced making me smile and thanked her.


*Timeskip At Home*

My mom and dad and Tsukishima's mom decided to have dinner at mine's and Kei's house and we gladly agreed.

I decided to went upstairs to refresh myself and when I reached the staircase, I saw my blood on the floor scattered. My eyes are getting watery when I remembered how I lost my first baby.

It's ok Y/N you can move on, not now but soon.

I went back to the kitchen and grabbed the mop and a bucket. Then my dad asked me "what are you going to do with that?".

"umm the accident awhile ago... My blood is still on the floor" I said and he nodded.

"you know what, why don't we hire you a maid" Tsukishima's mom suggests it making me shook my head and looked at Tsukishima. He looked at me and scrunched his face. I was about to protest but my mom cut me off.

"yea that's a great idea, right hun?" she asked my dad and he nodded in response.
I mentally face palmed myself and walked through the staircase to wipe the blood. After wiping, I washed the mop and went upstairs.

I went to the bathroom and refreshed myself. I decided to wear something simple so I wear this.

 I decided to wear something simple so I wear this

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I brushed my hair and went downstairs.

"Finally you're here" mom said and I gave a small smile. I sat beside Kei and started to eat.

"so how are you two?" my dad asked me and I answer him.

"We are fine" I said and smiled a little.

"How long have you been together?" my dad asked again making me nervous.

How long is it?

"well we started to date after the-"

"3 months" Kei cut me off.

Woah, we are only 3 months then we had a baby?

"3 months?" my mom repeated and Kei nodded. "well I hope you two last longer and get to the wedding" my mom said making me choked to my food. I felt Kei's hand patting my back. When I'm ok now, Kei started to scold me but he only whispers.

"I told you to eat slowly you idiot" he said and glared at me and I rolled my eyes.

"We better go now" My mom announced it and Kei's mom also stood up.

"yeah mee too" Mrs. Tsukishima said and 8 nodded.

"Kei" my dad calls Tsukishima. I looked at Tsukishima with a worried look then I looked at my dad. "Take good care of my daughter" he said and left.

I exhaled and smiled. After they left, we washed the dishes and went to the bedroom.

"so.. What did dad told you a while ago? When we were at the hospital?" I asked Kei and he shrugged his shoulders making me rolled my eyes.

He laid down and I decided to join him and hugged him. I rested my whole body on top of him.

"what do you think you're doing?" he asked me then I looked up to him and saw his blush and confused expression.

"don't act like you don't want it" I said.

"I don't" he answered making me shock.

"fine then" I said, I got up to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me, now I'm on top of him again.

"I knew it" I said and I smiled as I snuggled even more to him.

"s-shut up" he said and rolled his eyes and starts playing with my hair.

"I love you" I mumbled and he hummed.

No I love you back?

"you already know that I love you" he said making me shock

Is he reading my mind?

"Idiot, I don't have that kind of superpower" he said while playing with my hair. I raised my head looked up at him. He frowned and push my head back on his chest.

"sleep" he demanded and I hummed. After a few minutes, everything went black.

Hi to all of youu, I'm just going to inform you that this week, I will be so busy because of school but I will still update everyday 💗💗💗

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