🦖🦕CHAPTER 10🦖🦕

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*At Girl's Volleyball Meeting*

"Are you ok Y/N? You look soo pale" Natty asked me and I nodded. Riya touched my forehead and said, "Omg Y/N you're burning". I ignore her and told her I'm fine.

Next stop boy's practice.

I tiredly go to the boy's gym

"Hey Y/N" Hinata greet me and I greeted back. "oh are you ok?" he asked me worriedly. "yeah I'm fine" I answered him and giving him a weak smile. Hinata hesitantly nodded.

Hinata POV:

I saw Y/N she looked so weak. She said she's fine but I don't think she's really fine. There's the only way to find out

I'll ask saltyshima

I'm searching for Tsukishima then I spotted him with Yamaguchi as always. I run towards him and shouted his name but he ignored me. I glance back to Y/N and I saw her she's holding her forehead weakly.

"Tsukishimaaaa" I shouted again and run. He turned and gave me a mean look.


"What do you want?" he asked me angrily. "Y/N look pale. I'm worried" I explained and glanced back to Y/N.

Tsukishima's POV:

I walked towards Y/N.

She really looks pale

"oi dumbass" I said getting her attention. She smiled weakly and say 'hi'. "are you sick? are you ok?" I touched her forehead and I can feel her hotness.

"Dumbass why did you go to school even though you have a fever?" I scolded her.

"I'm fine, see I can staAAAand" she said and stood up fast making her feel dizzy and I luckily caught her. "dumbass let's go home"

"No! I'm fine besides my parents are not home, I don't want to be alone" she said and she sat back at the bench.

I left Y/N and talk to coach Ukai. "coach can you make Y/N go home. She's sick" I explained and he nodded.



"Y/N" I heard coach Ukai called me. I weakly go to him and when I reached him, he touched my forehead and say "Go home and rest, your boyfriend will accompany you and take care of you" he said. "but-"
"no buts, coach's orders go now" he cut me off and I just nodded not wanting to have a long conversation about that.

"Tsukishima, please take good care of your girlfriend" coach Ukai said to Tsukishima.

Wait? He's going with me?

Tsukishima crouched down "I'll give you a piggyback ride" he said. "I can-" "Now or else I'll tell coach not to let you play" I tried to explain but he threaten me. I position myself and Kei started walking.

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