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Due to some very good news, I was given an opportunity to stay in Italy for a week. Well, actually my brother had planned to go but last minute couldn't and he did not want his all pod trip to go to waste, so he thought it would be a good idea for me to leave Japan for a week. I like sight seeing long a lot and learning new things, I just always had a hard time expressing how I felt about certain things. But this thing?! I screamed in my head for a couple hours. I've never been to Europe so it was going to be fun, I just know it.

It only got better from there! When I arrived in my hotel room in Italy, the city of Verona was just right outside my window.  Since today was officially my first day here, I was going to sightsee today. It was early in the morning when I woke up and I just wore something comfortable to wear. I was not usually the type of person to be so excited easily, but this trip made me so excited. I wonder what Italian people are like, are they nice or rude?

I just wanted to take as many pictures as I could during this week because on Friday I was leaving back home to Japan. When I walked outside of my hotel building, I noticed a bakery across the street and decided to stop there first. It was a very pretty building and their menu was kept outside for passerby's to look at. It reminded me of a cafe back in Tokyo that I passed on the way to work. I guess in every country there will always be some small similarities.

I stopped in front of the menu board and I don't think I have ever tried any of these things before. Which is good news since I want to try something new! I opened the door slowly and the smell hit me all at once. It smelled amazing, and it made me smile a little bit. "Hello! Welcome to Vargas Bakery, what can we get for you?" A man spoke in Italian. This was my chance!!! I was going to try my best to speak the Italian I learned. I took a deep breath and looked to the man who gave me a huge smile. He was very handsome and I heard some women on the plane say Italian men were handsome.

"Hello, what is popular?...." I said slowly. I put my hands in my pocket and held tightly onto the translation book I had on me. The mans head tilted and he crossed the counter. "Here, these are what we have right now, take your time to look at anything you would like!" He smiled. The man gestured for me to come closer and I did do just that. I walked over to the counter that had the glass so I can see all of the sweets.

I was really in awe as I looked at everything and back to the Italian man. "Where are you from? I want to guess Japan or Korea..." he spoke. Wow? He was really close, that's impressive. "Japan...I am here for a week" I answered. I was tripping on my speech a little, but tonight I will study more Italian! My book is helpful and so is Duolingo.  "Oh!! Japan?! That is so cool. What brings you to Italy of all places?" He smiled happily. I was taken aback by how easily happy he got, but continued to talk to him.

"It was a free trip, plus ... I like to visit new places. I have never been to Europe" I explained. He nodded his head and began to think. "So you have never been here Huh...?" He spoke. I shook my head and he began to think for a second. As he began to think, I looked down to all the sweets to see which one I liked more. The cannoli looked really good, I think I might try that. "HOW ABOUT I GIVE YOU A TOUR OF THE CITY!?" He cheered. My eyes widened and I looked at him quickly.

"Umm... I'm not sure! That would be too much trouble!" I spoke freaking out a little. Oh no! I don't want to cause him any trouble. "No please! I want to. My brother watches the bakery when I want to take breaks. Both of us run the bakery so it is fine if one of us leaves" he explained. Although he explained it to me... I still felt bad. I looked to him with a lifted brow and he smiled at me. "I'll even throw in some snacks. I'm a good cook if I do say so myself" he laughed.

I stayed quiet for a second as I tried to think of what to say. He was being polite, and I really don't know the city enough to wonder around, I could get lost. Plus.... I am a little hungry. "When would you be free?" I asked. He smiled at me and took off his apron. "Right now!" He spoke. He tossed his apron over the counter over to another man who was sitting while reading a magazine. "I'll be back brother!" The man spoke. "Are you hungry? What can I get for you?" He asked.

I looked to him softly and opened my mouth slightly "a cannoli..." I answered. He looked to me with a smile and walked behind the counter to get me one. He used some of the papers and a small box to put it in. The man came back over towards me and leaned against the counter, reaching his hand out to give me the cannoli.

My face softened looking at him and I reached out to grab the sweet. "My name is Feliciano Vargas, but you can call me Feli!" He smiled with glee. My face began to feel hot as I looked at him, I nodded my head and gave him a quick bow. "My name is Honda Kiku..... but my first name is Kiku..." I tried to explained. Feliciano looked to me sweetly and nodded "kiku, I like it..." he said.

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This is my first itapan fic so hopefully it goes well!!! Please follow me here and on my Instagram for more hetalia content!!! My username is in my bio! Also don't be afraid to HMU for anything !!!

Stay tuned!

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