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We sat down at this pizza place and it actually gave us some time to really talk more about ourselves and get to know each other. "So Leon was caught with his boyfriend? That's really funny" Feliciano laughed. "Oh I know, Yao... my older brother was so mad. Leon's boyfriends brother was not too happy either. His name is Lukas, and oh man! He was angry" I spoke. Feliciano kept giggling and he finally stopped so he could drink some wine. "Why were they so mad? Those kids seemed like they liked each other" Feliciano spoke. "I think my brother Yao was more shocked. He has raised us since we were young and it was like Leon was a different person"

"I see..... I think that if my brother would have come out as gay, then I think I would be shocked too.... however, if I were to tell him I was gay or bisexual, he would not want me dating" Feliciano laughed. "You two are older and he still would be mad?" I asked shocked. "It's because he wants a niece or nephew... he low key likes kids a lot" Feliciano explained. I was in awe and I started to drink my drink.

"Do you want kids?" I asked. "Ummm....sure , if it is possible" he shrugged. He looked to me and did not say anything "what about you? Do you want kids?" He asked. Feliciano changed the subject quickly, I wonder why? "Me?...." I spoke. Do I want kids? I mean I've never thought about it and I really don't take relationships seriously. "I'm not sure.... I guess if it were to happen I don't mind" I spoke nervously. I've never dated a girl before, and I was still a virgin... I'm pretty pathetic. I'm twenty three and still haven't had any one to do those things with.

Feliciano is so good looking and such a nice guy, I'm sure he has done it with plenty of women. Feliciano leaned his cheek against the palm of his hand and stared at me with a sweet face. His smile was soft and his head was tilted as he looked at me. "I bet you are really popular with the ladies" he spoke. My eyes widened and my face was hot "no! Not even... actually I was thinking the same about you" I explained.

Feliciano leaned back and began to chuckle "I've only been in one relationship... and it was with a guy..." he spoke. My eyes widened and I blinked a couple times looking at him. A guy....? He was with a guy? I thought it was a woman he was so heartbroken about. Feliciano realized what he said and his face was serious. "Uhh... but I like girls too" he spoke. It was getting nervous and I could tell he did not mean for that to slip out. Feliciano began to nervously fix the table and look all around.

He was with a guy? But he also likes girls? He is bisexual? Why was I so shocked? My brother was also.... he was also.... I need to say something!!! He is freaking out. "That doesn't bother me at all" I spoke seriously. He stopped fidgeting and looked at me with a red face. He was sweating and he tried to stop being so anxious. "It doesn't?" He asked confused. I shook my head and slowly reached to grab his hand. "I don't care about that kind of stuff.... I was a little shocked but I don't care. You are still the same person to me... who cares who you love" I said seriously.

Feliciano dropped his jaw as he rubbed his thumb against my hand in appreciation. His eyes sparkled in the light and he reached his hand to cover his mouth as he looked away. "I'm relived and happy ...." he spoke. "I am convinced that anyone would be lucky to date you kiku, you are a kind person" he smiled. My eyes widened and I loved my hand away from his. His compliments always managed to make me happy deep down. When I received compliments like this from women, it was always different.

I put my hands down and tried to look away from him. He was handsome and sweet, and so nice ..... anyone would fall for him. "Anyway... so what do you like to do for fun?" He quickly asked. I looked back at him and tilted my head slowly. "I like cooking a lot..." I answered. I looked into his eyes and they still seemed nervous. He was bitting down on his lip and his face was still flustered. "I like cooking too.... but I guess our versions of cooking might be a little different" he laughed. I nodded in agreement and faced him correctly.

"Maybe I'll take you up on the offer about going to your house. I can make you some rice balls or something Japanese if you'd like" I spoke. His eyes sparked and my heart was about to explode. "Yes! That would be really fun! You can meet my cat!" He cheered. I nodded in agreement and began to eat my food again. "How about tomorrow? Are you really busy?" He asked. I shook my head and opened my mouth "no, I'm mostly here to enjoy myself, so I don't mind skipping a day from being a tourist to eat some good food"

"I'll give you my number so I can text you my address" he spoke. I nodded taking my phone out and he gestured to grab it. "Is it alright if I put the number in?" He asked. "Oh yes! Here you go" I spoke quickly. "I'll put my number in yours too" I spoke. He smiled at me and handed me his phone so I can put it in. His phone was nice and the wallpaper was just a picture a flower he took. I quickly put my number in and at the same time, we handed our phones back to each other. "Now it's official, we are friends" he smiled.

Thanks for reading so far 💖💖💖💖

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