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"As you know, we are in the city of love.... and that would not be topped off without a visit to the Romeo and Juliet balcony" he spoke. My eyes widened and I looked to him shocked. "No way! That is here?" I asked shocked. He nodded happily at me and pointed to a window with a balcony. I felt my body get so excited as I took my camera out of my pocket. "You can go up there if you'd like" he spoke. "What?! I can go up there?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my hand softly to pull me. "If you want I can take a picture of you up there" he suggested.

My head nodded quickly and I handed him my camera. "I'll be right back! Let me walk up there" I spoke excited. He began to laugh at my enthusiasm and I quickly went into the building to get up to the balcony. The building was not hard to navigate, and I soon found myself at the balcony. It was really early in the morning so hardly anyone was here. I stepped outside and looked down seeing Feliciano at the bottom. He waved at me and I waved back. "You look amazing!" He called to me.

He showed me the camera and I gave a peace sign as he started to take pictures. "I flew over these walls with Cupid's light wings, for stone barriers cannot keep love out. Love will dare to attempt to do whatever it can do. Therefore, your kinsmen are no obstacle to me" Feliciano spoke. I looked at him confused and he laughed. "That sounds like Romeo and Juliet.... but simple?" I asked.

He nodded his head happily and his mouth parted "What, there's more risk in your eyes than in twenty of their swords. If you would just look lovingly at me, it would be enough protection from their hatred" he continued. How was it that he had this by memory? It was impressive and insane at the same time. "I wish I had the ability to memorize that stuff" I spoke. I leaned against the balcony and looked down to him. He held the camera down and began to make a silly pose "if I pose like this would it be better?" He asked.

"You will look silly" I laughed. His face brightened and he nodded eagerly. "I have the dark cloak of the night to hide me from their sight. And unless you will love me back, let them find me here. It's better that my life be ended by their hatred than prolonged without your love" he smiled. "I know this one! Uhhh... who gave you directions to my house?" I laughed. It seemed that every time I laughed he would get so happy.

"Love prompted me to ask where you live. He gave me directions, and I lent him my eyes to find where you live. I'm no ship's navigator, but I would make the most venturesome voyage to the most distant shore for such a valuable treasure as you" he giggled. I shook my head and leaned my cheek against the palm of my hand. "Alright Romeo, I'm coming down" I spoke.

I think this was the first time I've shown so much excitement. I usually just screamed all of it in the inside of my head. I turned away from him and started to make my way out of the building. As I went outside of the building, Feliciano was standing there with a goofy look on his face. "Oh Juliet! Here is your glorious camera" he joked.

"You are silly" I spoke shaking my head. Feliciano tilted his head to look at me and he pointed at the Juliet statue. "They say that if you touch her right boob, it brings good luck. Let's do it!" He cheered. I felt odd about touching a statues boob, but I continued to walk with him. Feliciano walked up and rubbed her boob and gestured for me to do the same. My face was hot and I felt embarrassed about doing it. I slowly reached my hand up and rubbed it a little, immediately putting my hand down.

"Wow!! So cool! I hope that love will blossom in your future" he smiled at me. I nodded at what he said and spoke "I wish the same for you too"

He was a really nice person and I really appreciate that he is helping me. Even though we still don't really know each other. "Are you hungry? How about we go somewhere to eat?" He asked. I nodded my head and he smiled once more. Maybe he was doing this to distract himself from his ex girlfriend? In that case.... he was really forcing himself to do a lot of things.

We continued to walk together and he held his arms above his head. They were crossed and rested softly "what are you in the mood for?" He asked. "I'm fine with pizza or something" I spoke. He nodded and I started to follow him. I was sure he knew exactly where everything was here. "Do you have any pets?" He asked. "Yes, a cat and a dog" I answered.  "Oh nice, I just have a cat... maybe you should come over later and you can meet him" Feliciano cheered. I was about to say yes but I stopped myself.

This is exactly how foreigners get murdered on trips. "Ummm.... I don't know...." I spoke. He looked to me confused but soon understood. "Oh right... I'm still a stranger.... well I'm there if you change your mind" he laughed.  I nodded and placed his hands on his hips in a sassy way "ahhhh.....we can go other places" he said. "Yeah... that way you don't  kill me" I joked. "Dang it.... I really wanted to spend all this time with you and them murder you" he laughed. "I took that chance" I joked. We began to laugh together and my body just felt so warm. What was this?

Thanks for reading so far 💖💖💖💖

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