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The next day.... I woke up in my bed. The memories from last night filled my mind as I sat in my bed really upset. Tomorrow was my last day here and who knows if I will ever see Feli again. The was he held me last night and the way he told me goodbye dropping me off at my hotel was really bittersweet. Even as I showered last night, I could not get him out of my head. That sweet , light hearted, Italian man was beginning to capture my heart more and more.

What was the use of telling him I had a small crush on him? I was bound to forget about this feeling eventually. I'm from Japan and he is from Italy..... anyone would tell me how silly I was being for feeling this way. Today I was meeting him again this evening for the last time. I was going to spend the night at his house again, but this time I was going to bring all my things with me. Since tomorrow he was going to be taking me to the airport. I think I needed to be there for my flight by ten in the morning.

It was about ten right now, and I was not going to meet Feli till around 16:00. What was I going to do for six hours? I guess just pack all my things, clean up, check out when I leave. Maybe I should go for a stroll? I went to open the window, and I set out a chair for me to sit on so I could look outside. There was music playing and many people walking around. They all looked really happy and peaceful and I liked it a lot.

I began to think about my family and I was starting to feel homesick. My two little brothers not even graduated yet? I think I need to be more realistic and not have such high hopes about anything. I am sure he feels the same way, that we are only friends for this time and probably won't see each other again afterwards. I felt a little sad thinking about it, but a sudden buzz on my phone caught my attention.

"Speak of the devil" I whispered to myself. I quickly answered the phone and my brother started asking me a bunch of questions. "Slowly please" I started to speak in Japanese. "How is everything?! Did you take a lot of pictures?" He asked. "It is great, and I did take a lot of pictures" I explained.  "Are you okay? You sound like something he wrong" he spoke.

"Yao...." I tried to start. However, for some reason I began to cry. "What's wrong little brother? Did someone hurt you? Do you want me to go over and beat them up?" He began to laugh. I quickly wiped my tears and shook my head. "No! That's not it" I tried to say. Yao began to laugh and I threw my head back slowly. "Then what is it?" He asked softly.

I stayed silent for a bit trying to think of what to tell him. I couldn't really tell him what I was feeling, so I was going to lie. "I guess I'm extremely.... and I mean extremely home sick..... yeah I miss all of you and I can't wait to go back to Japan" I answered. Yao began to laugh again "it will be alright, we will see each other very soon" he said sweetly. "Tomorrow night to be exact... hopefully your jet leg isn't that bad" he laughed.

"Now then, I just wanted to check in on you, but I see you will be just fine, so I will let you go. I am sure you have been very busy seeing Verona and everything. It is pretty late over here so I am going to bed already... have a good day!" He chirped. "Thank you, and have a good night" I spoke back to him. We finally said our last goodbyes and finally we both hung up the phone. I smiled slightly hearing my brothers voice and continued to look out the window.

Feli has his own life that I do not want to intrude on. Once I leave, he will be back at it and I will be back to my old life as well. I reached for my camera that was sitting on the table and began to look at all the pictures I had taken here. I haven't left yet but I want to stay so much. NO!!! I can't just be this way! I have to enjoy my time here and not think about this now! I will pack my things and wear something nice for tonight and I will take a stroll around the city and eat some amazing food.

Today will be about me.... for a little bit at least. I began to quickly get dressed so I could look decent while I walk somewhere to get some food. Really I was just going to go eat food and buy a souvenir from a nearby shop. I really liked postcards so this was my chance to get a nice pretty one. I decided to wear some traditional Japanese clothing that I forgot I brought with me. I was sure people would stare but it will be fine.

It will be funny to see people shocked when I speak a little of Italian. I quickly started to pack my things together so I can just come back and take my things over the Feliciano's house when it was time for me to go over. I stopped to look at myself in the mirror and I smiled slightly "hopefully it impresses him" I whispered to myself. If I could feel what I felt with him one last time, I think I could die a happy man. However, it wouldn't change anything about me leaving tomorrow. That will happen no matter what..... but oh well.

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