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That night, Feliciano walked me back to my hotel. "What are you doing tomorrow?" Feliciano asked. "Well... we only saw a little bit today, I am thinking maybe going to look at more architecture" I explained. His face smiled big and he placed his hands on my shoulders. However, instead of moving away, I just let him leave them there. "Can I go with you? I know this city like the back of my hand" he cheered. My face softened and I felt no reason to say no. "Sure..... when can we meet up?" I asked slowly. His cheeks were pink and he began to think "how about eight tomorrow morning?" He asked. "That sounds fine"

We stood still for a second looking at each other, but then I started to turn away from him. "Have a good night" he spoke suddenly. I turned my head to look at him and nodded "you too..." Was all I said. After I walked away from him, and to my room, I felt bad for giving the worst answer ever. I hope he doesn't think I was annoyed or being mean?


The next morning I walked out to the bakery across the street to meet Feliciano. I wore some of my regular clothes that I brought and I was really excited to take more pictures today. I took a seat at one of the outside tables and wondered if I should try going in. I looked closely at the times and saw that it was closed today.

"Kiku!!! Hey! Thanks for waiting" I heard a voice call. I knew it was Feliciano, so I turned my head to look at him. When I did, I froze from shock from how he looked. What he was wearing... caused me to drop my jaw a little. My face felt hot and I tried to look somewhere else.

"Hey... you okay?" He asked. Feliciano waved a hand in front of my face and I looked back to him. "You always wear these things?" I asked. He was wearing a white button up shirt that was only buttoned half way. His sleeves were rolled up and he had on knee length shorts. It was normal clothing, but for some reason i couldn't look at him.

I mean, he is a very handsome man.... I just wasn't expecting it. "Hmmm? Of course!" He cheered. He reached his hand out for me to grab and I looked a little concerned. "I want to show you something I know you will like" he smiled. I nodded at what he said and slowly took his hand so that I could follow him.

He let go of my hand and we began to walk beside each other. I was starting to really fall in love with Italy. Last night before bed, I opened the window to my room and looked out to the city. It was beautiful and I wish I had more time here in Italy. So that I could see other cities here. I know everything was close, but I did not want to risk getting lost anywhere else.

"I know you haven't really been here long, but how are you liking Italy?" He asked. I looked over to him and nodded "it's very beautiful" I spoke softly. He nodded at me with a smile and we continued to walk for some time. "Do you have any siblings?" He asked. "Yes... four of them. Two of them are still in high school so they are younger" I explained. "Wow! That's cool... I know you already know I have my one brother" he laughed.

"So you aren't dating anyone right?" He asked. I shook my head slowly and looked to him. "No, but if it happens it happens... I know you said you weren't seeing anyone...but..." I stopped myself from saying what I wanted to say. If I said that he would think I was weird. "What?" He asked. I jumped and looked away "nothing nothing...." I breathed out nervously. "No say it!" He laughed. I looked up at the sky and towards him "I mean.... you are a ..... good..... Uhh... how do I..?"

I looked to him who was eager for me to finish what I was trying to say. "A ..... very..... ummmmm handsome... person, I am sure you could have anyone" I said awkwardly. My face was hot and I tried to avoid his eyes. "Hahaha!!! You are so sweet ! I think you are a good looking man too!" He cheered. However, it did not help me feel less embarrassed.

"But.... I was dating someone... it did not work out. They.... left me. But that is all in the past now! So don't worry!" He laughed nervously. I feel terrible for asking now.... hopefully I did not hit a nerve. "How long ago was this?" I asked. "Well...... about two weeks ago" he laughed. Feliciano scratched the back of his head and I looked at him shocked. That is why he was so shocked that I thought he looked happy. He was hurting and I did not even realize it.

"You know what!! Their loss! You are a top notch guy and you can have anyone" I spoke. I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled sweetly at me. "Anyone? That might be a stretch" he laughed.  Feliciano placed an arm around me and held me closer. He did this so much yesterday that I just grew comfortable with it. Italian people are just like that?

"Don't worry, I know you will be fine" I spoke. "With you around for a bit, I know I will be" he said softly. My eyes widened and my cheeks felt hot. He was a very good looking man.... but a very sweet good looking man at that. I hope he finds happiness in the future. I don't know what happened between him and his girlfriend.... but I am know that he deserves better. I looked up to the sky and smiled a little bit at the thought of him finding someone that makes him happy.

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