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Jimin reached his parent's home after a long journey . 

" Ma !! I am home ! " he yelled so that they can notice him  . 

" You are here ? you visited Hana right ? I was afraid that she might do something for herself "Jimin's father said .

" so ., I can marry her right ? " Jimin asked as if he was there to ask this question . 

" Is that all you have to ask  after seeing your parents after a very long time ?" Jimin's father asked . 

" Well not exactly ., but that is why I am here . Even if you don't allow me , I will only marry her and not any other person ".

" Jimin .. we have approved of her a long ago . The last time she was here for vacation ., she was so disciplined and that was when I felt that that she is the right person to take care of this household ". Jimin's mother said bringing out a some fruits from the kitchen . 

" Then why did you make me do all these ? did you know how difficult was it for us ? " Jimin said almost tearing up . 

" Do you think me and your mother married each other just like that ?  Even we had to go through the same process ., only then you will be able to know each other's value in each other's life . You could have just fled with some other girl while you were in America . you know we have enough money to serve our entire blood-line so you don't actually need to study ., or she could had an affair  while you were gone ., but she waited for you and you waited for her . Jimin ., people out there think that rich people marry only  for the sake of business and once they are done , they divorce ., but we have to prove them wrong ., at least the people from our family .,   even though all we have is business  , let's try to break that myth that people believe . So I wanted to check whether you both truly loved each other for you to be married ., because later , divorce should not be the only option we are left with " . Jimin's father explained . 

" So.. we can marry right ? That's what you meant right ? " Jimin asked a bit confused with all this  explanation that his father gave him . 

" Well yeah !" 

" So how are you dad ? How are you mom ? " Jimin asked .

" Is this the time that you ask about your parent's health ? You should have asked that question the moment you came here !" Jimin's mom said . 

" Well my parent's are the one who taught to complete my business first and then to think about the other things . " Jimin said .

" So you are going to be this way huh ? " Jimin's mom asked in a cheerful voice . 

" mom ~ do you think of me that way ? you know what your son is right ? " Jimin said .

" Seems your friend is getting married ., have you already thought of something for him ? " Jimin's father asked . 

" I know that he is getting married but I haven't thought of anything yet . Is there something that rich people do need ? " Jimin said .

" It's your love . I hope that you will be there for them whenever they need you ., raising a kid at this young age is really not that easy ., so help them whenever they are in need ". Jimin's mother said . 

" Jimin .., though we have given our approval ., you have to make sure that Hana's parents are also okay with this decision of ours " . 

" Mom., you don't need to have those thoughts in your head . I'm sure they will also be like you " Jimin said assuring his mother . 

" Mom I think I have to go sleep . I'm really tired mom ." Jimin said and went into his room . 

He remembered the last time he was there with Hana . That's when he realised the trust they have for each other . It hadn't even been a few months but she was already been introduced to this huge family . 

He took his phone out and read all the text messages that Hana had sent him while he was away. She had sent so many texts , images and voice messages but Jimin haven't replied to single one of  them .  He teared up for each and every text he read , for each and every image she sent him and for every voice message she had sent him begging  him to pick her call or to at least to reply for her text messages . 

He sent her a message wishing her a sweet night and laid on the bed like a baby ., drifting into the dream world  . 


It was still early in the morning but Jimin was ready to leave to Seoul . He didn't wanted to wake his parents so ., he said the maids that he will be leaving early and left the house . 


He banged the door like crazy without even waiting for Hana to open the door . Once she opened the door , he dropped his luggage on the ground and pulled Hana into a deep kiss . 

" Are you really able to control yourself ? because I can't . I really want to fuck you so hard that - "

" Jimin .. it will be good if you come inside and talk " Hana said and pulled him inside and locked the door . 

" Jimin I know you cannot resist and honestly even I am not able to . ,  but this for  our own goodness ., whenever you feel like hiding something important from me ., you must be remembered of this situation every single fucking time " . Hana said and went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast . 


so how was this chapter people ?

I'm really excited about Tae's wedding , are you ? 

stay tuned ;;

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