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Hana entered the university earlier than before with the hope of meeting Jimin . She searched for him everywhere but there he was , in the library .

"I searched almost everywhere for you "

Hana said back hugging Jimin . Jimin was startled at her action . This was the first time ever a girl has done this to him . Though he had many girls all over him... none of them could surprise him in this manner . They were all busy in expressing their bitchy attitude .

Hana noticed the book Jimin was reading and started shooting questions . Jimin was happy seeing this girl having interests in the same field him .

Jimin answered to all of her questions patiently before both headed to their classes .


" Since your vacations will be starting in a week , you will be given assignments which you will be doing in pairs " . Hana's professor said . All the students started murmuring to pick their partners .

" I will be the one to pick your partner " . The professor said again shocking the students .

Hana wasn't afraid that she would get a random partner but her only worry was that Jimin . He has said her not to talk to any person other than the one that belonged to their group . She was worried about the later consequences .

" Hana and Hoseok " the teacher said . Hana was extremely happy not because Hoseok is her partner but because she won't be making Jimin angry .


" Jimin , you know hobi is my partner for my assignment " Hana said and everyone else was shocked including Jimin . This was the first time Hana starting a conversation with him .

" Lucky you , you will not be punished then " Jimin said .

"Since you are partnered with hobi , you will be spending your vacation with us . Lisa and Sara will also come " . Tae said .

" Aah hyung since Sara will also be coming , I think it will be fun " jungkook said . Wait was he blushing , oh will their be another pair in our group ? .

"Since Lisa and Sara are coming , even I will be coming " .


The three girls purchased the clothes and other accessories for the trip . They were very excited to go to Jeju island .


The flight landed early in the morning at Jeju .

"Let's go to our residence and rest for a bit.. then we can play or do something " Jimin said .

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Hana and Sara gasped in shock seeing the huge building in front of them . Though Hana was brought up in luxury this was her first time seeing such a beautiful house .

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