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The next morning Jimin woke up earlier than Hana . He was just staring at her instead of washing up . He stared her eyes and then her nose and then slowly turning his gaze towards her lips .
He just suddenly started kissing her .

Hana woke up to the disturbance created by her boyfriend .

" Jimin what are you doing "

" Oh baby I am sorry..I waked you up !! "

" No no that's not the problem here , did you brush up ? "

" No why do you ask ? "

" How can you not know that I don't like morning breath..."

" Oh I am so sorry babe's just your lips were distracting me from everything else "

" the way your morning voice is so sexy~ " Hana said blushing .

" Oh..are you blushing ? "
Hana asked Jimin when she noticed that her boyfriend's face colour turned into slight pink .

" why would I blush ? " Jimin said covering his cheeks .

" If your covering your face like this , I will just squish your cheeks like there is no tomorrow " .

Hana said .
By the time Jimin replied both their stomachs started growling .

" I think we should wash up...come down fast , breakfast will be prepared " Jimin said .

" Kay ~ "


" Jimin do you think jungkook is in love " Hana asked out of the blue . Jimin choked on his food because of Hana's sudden question .

Yes Jimin knew jungkook the best and he also noticed the small changes in his behaviour but Jimin cared less because he was busy in planning to impress Hana .

Jungkook had left his house when he got to know about the business that his parents were dealing . Since he was the only son , he knew that one or the other day his parents would come back to him and ask him to take over the business .

The first person he met after coming out was Jimin .

Jimin was the one who took care of jungkook when he left his house . Convincing jungkook was so hard for all the boys because he never wanted to lose . It wasn't hard for them to take care of him but they didn't like that fact that Jungkook had a fight with his parents .

But just because they all have cared for him in the past doesn't mean that he should be telling everything he feels when he himself wasn't sure of a thing happening to him .

" I..I don't know " Jimin said after thinking for a while .


" Jimin let's do something fruitful today ? Hmm ? " Hana said .

" What do you mean fruitful ? "

" Something productive ? "

" I didn't ask you to explain meanings to me "

" Let's explore ourselves a bit more..."

Jimin crashed his plump lips onto hers . When Hana said that she wanted to explore more about him , she surely didn't mean to explore his body but about him ...she just decided to go with the flow because this was one of the feelings that she liked the most .

Both are running out of breath but none of them want to leave each others lips . Jimin pulled her so close that if there was any chance , he would just take her inside .

" I just want to kiss you for the whole day if that is even possible..." Jimin said

Both of them pulled back and were panting due to loss of oxygen .
The two pair of eyes were completely filled with lust . Both of them felt like they wanted something more than just a kiss .

Jimin showered Hana with stream of wet kisses on her neck and her bare chest . Unknowingly Hana making sounds made him turn on .



I know this is a short chapter but please do vote and show some love 💜 💜

By the way , what do you think about jungkook ' s story , please comment and share your thoughts...!!

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