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The next morning , Jimin woke up to the disturbance next to him . He felt sorry for her when he saw her tiredly sleeping . She was groaning in her sleep which woke him up .

He knew he had to take care and help her out today because he was too rough the previous night . He felt kisses being placed on his cheek and he also knew the owner of those wet kisses . He suddenly turned to his right which made her kiss his lips .

Hana instantly covered herself when she noticed that she was still naked under the sheets . She pulled out Jimin's shirt that he wore the previous day and put on .

" You don't need to cover baby ! " Jimin said with a smirk .

" I don't want you to be turned on early in the morning ! "

" Morning sex ? That is fine with me " Jimin said winking his eye . Hana playfully smacked him but didn't say anything .

" Was I too rough yesterday ? " Jimin asked out of concern .
Hana stared at him for few seconds and kissed his lips .

" Will you help me shower ? " Hana asked him still holding his cheeks .

Jimin lifted her in a romantic way to the bathroom and helped her shower .

*Nothing happened in there , so don't be pervs*

" Just sit here , I will prepare for breakfast " Jimin said and went into kitchen to make something for his beloved princess .

Hana faltered but couldn't continue so decided to rest for some time instead of helping Jimin .

Jimin played ' serendipity ' in his phone and sang along with it while preparing for breakfast .

" Should we call the other guys too ? " Jimin yelled from the kitchen for Hana to hear but she was asleep and didn't reply . Jimin decided not to disturb her continued his work .


" Babe.... here's your favourite pancakes and strawberries ...."Jimin said waking her up .

" Though I love strawberries a lot , they aren't the one that I am craving for ..." Hana said and kissed his lips roughly , slightly biting them too .

" These are the strawberries that I want right now " she said slightly stroking his lips .

Jimin wondered what was with all these kisses but since he enjoyed it , decided not to question .

" These strawberries are always yours and only yours ... But first ...these strawberries .." Jimin said pointing to the strawberries in the plate and fed her .

ring ring

" Hel-"

" College starts in a week , so bring Hana to the sent address with in thirty minutes " Tae said on the other side of the phone .

" Why ? "

" Aah ~ did you forget so soon ? We planned on going shopping a week before the classes are scheduled " Tae said.

Jimin turned towards Hana with pity eyes and replied with an 'okay'

" What is it ? " Hana asked still chewing her food

" Well....can you walk ? "

" You mean ? "

" He wants us to be there because we planned to go shopping ...."

" What ! I thought we could cuddle for a while and binge some drama and enjoy ourselves " Hana said pouting thinking that Jimin could give in .

" I am sorry but I'll make it up to you " Jimin said lifting her up and kissed her pouting lips .

" We are leaving in fifteen " Jimin said picking up he dress that Hana would be wearing .

" But - "

" PLeAse " Jimin said making puppy eyes .

Hana gave in and wore the dress that Jimin had selected .


" guys are finally here " Hoseok said flashing his bright smile .

" Did we make you wait for too long ?" Hana asked .

" Not too long though " Namjoon said .
Hana turned towards Jimin and glared at him for having a quick make out session before leaving .

" Okay....are we gonna shop or eat first ? " Lisa asked for which everyone said they wanted to have food first .

Everyone went to towards the subway and placed their orders .

" I guess Jimin went pretty rough yesterday ...? " Lisa said in Hana's ears which made her blush .


" Are you tired ? " Jimin asked when they came home .

" Not much...but I want to rest though....." Hana said and kissed him good night .

Hana decided to sleep in Jimin's room because the other rooms were occupied by Jungkook and Taehyung .


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