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"argh...OMG I can't be late on my first day..." Hana woke up and did her morning routine. Her stomach was growling so she decided to have her breakfast before she left to the college.
She mixed cereal and milk in a bowl and ate
"waah... now I'm energetic..."
She said to herself while locking the door .

She wore a simple yet elegant outfit for the first day of her college.

She wore a simple yet elegant outfit for the first day of her college

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"Waah.. I am so nervous..."she again spoke to herself while driving to the uni. Since it wasn't very much far , she reached there in about twenty minutes . As she got down from her car she felt a ting of nervousness as well as excitement . She saw many girls who were in groups , some were reading , some were laughing while some were just throwing themselves on the guys "argh so disgusting" she thought . Some were alone walking here and there as they were zombies .

She entered the uni as chills ran down her spine . She quickly walked to find the office . As soon as she found where the office was..she quickly introduced herself and collected her daily schedule .


She searched almost the entire building for ' Mrs.Jung ' , the principle of the university . Mrs.Jung was Hana's father's close friend and that is why Hana was able to enter this university though she was late .

Hana crashed into a person when she was searching for the principle's office . The person came near Hana and introduced herself.." Hello.. I think your are new here? I'm Min Lisa..if you want any help you know I can help you out " she said . Hana was excited about finding a new friend
Lisa helped Hana in finding the principle's office and left .


" Hello Mrs. Jung , this is Hana , daughter of Mr. Kim " Hana introduced herself bold enough though she felt her internals were shivering just by making eye contact with Mrs. Jung.
"Oh hello., So today will be your first day , hope you enjoy your time in our university "" oh and one more thing , my son is also in the same class as I hope you will get along with him" she said and took Hana to her class .


"Hello students , this is Kim Hana . I hope that you take good care of her " Mrs . Jung announced . She felt that all the eyes were on her . Hana felt it a bit weird as the PRINCIPLE of her college introduced her to the class . Hana suddenly met with the eyes which she met earlier . Lisa
Hana went and sat next to her . The classes went normally while Hana and Lisa became comfortable with each other . Hana was packing her bag before leaving to the canteen as it was interval .

" If you don't have any friends , you can just come with me.. I'll introduce you to my friends and also my boyfriend " Lisa said and Hana agreed .


Lisa was searching for someone while holding to the food in her hand .

As soon as she found , she pulled Hana and reached the table where three guys were sitting . Oh may be all her friends are guys Hana thought . Lisa pulled out a chair and quickly sat comfortably next to a guy who was smiling . "oh so cute.." Hana thought . She saw that Lisa was also smiling and she forgot that Hana was here ...

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