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Hana , Lisa and Sara were early to the university and were waiting for the boys to arrive .

Jimin had gone to his home yesterday because he said if he were to stay at Hana's place , he would not be able to control himself and their date will be ruined .

" So...Sara , you like jungkook right ? " Hana asked .

Sara's cheeks turned into a bright shade of red as soon as the question left Hana's mouth .

Hana and Lisa took that as an yes and continued questioning her until the boys came .

Everyone headed towards their classes but  with different feelings . Hana and Jimin were blushing and shy around each other . Taehyung wants to take Lisa on a date . Hoseok was the only one who was behaving normal . There was some tension developed between Sara and jungkook .

Now that Sara has accepted that she likes jungkook...., She isn't able to directly face him and that the other girls got to know about that , she is afraid that they would tell it to everyone and that may embarass him .


" Umm..Sara , we have arranged for a blind date for you this weekend " Lisa said .

Sara and Hana were shocked to this news but soon Hana understood this game and she decided to play on .

Sara was still in a shock . She already has  said them that she likes jungkook but here they are making arrangements for her blind date .

The rest of the boys were also shocked because of this sudden statement .

Jungkook's face had so many different expressions which made difficult for Hana and Lisa to understand . But they were sure that Jungkook too likes Sara .

" Lets go shopping this Friday " Hana said .

" I don't understand what is the urgency for Sara to go on a blind date ! " Jungkook said frustratedly .

Jimin and Taehyung now understood what was happening .

Not many days ago , Lisa too asked Taehyung the same question that Hana asked Jimin . Since that day ., these boys were observing jungkook's each and every behaviour .

" What why ? All her friends are dating , so even she should !! " Tae stated .

Jungkook was at loss of words now., He isn't getting a single idea to destroy this plan .

" It's not as if you will date her so.. , we want her to have a boyfriend and enjoy her life " Hana said .

" Then I will be her boyfriend !! " Jungkook practically yelled at the top of his lungs .

All the people in the cafeteria were looking at this drama . None of them imagined that Jungkook would become so aggressive .

Just at the moment when Hana was about to say something , jungkook pulled Sara closer and pecked her lips .

Everyone stood shocked . Who knew that little bunny who was shy whenever he met women will be kissing a girl in front of everyone .

Not even Jimin and Taehyung were able to kiss their girlfriends in front of everyone .

" Calm down boii , we knew you like her " Hana said .

Jungkook and Sara were blushing and their faces were practically like cherries .

" Th- then why did you want to send her on a date ? " Jungkook asked .

" May be because you could get a chance to kiss her in public " Lisa said giggling .

" Jungkook you have a lot to learn , come over to my place tonight , let's have a boys night " Tae said .

Hoseok was also there who was enjoying all of these scenes . He was happy seeing the boys laughing and smiling even more than usual .

Will I ever even get a girl he thought and left that place .

" Sara you will be coming to my place tonight , let's have girls night " Hana said in a sassy tone .


I am really thankful for all my readers who have made it till here . You are my only hope for me to continue this book .

Stay tuned~


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