Home sweet home

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Sam and Elvis have just arrived at the Fire Station after a stop at the Floods House. Station Officer Steele saw that they had just got back from Cardiff after Arnold was reported missing. He came down to where Hydrus was and asked Elvis about Arnold. "How is he doing, Sam?"

"He's on his way with Ellie and Penny right now. They said it was only bruised, and he should probably keep his foot up for 2 weeks."

"Very good, Sam. I'll let Chief Fire Officer Boyce know."

"Yes, sir. Oh, and one more thing."

"What is it, Sam?"

"Norman Price caused another accident with Mandy tonight, Helen's taking her to Newtown Hospital right now."

"Oh, you know what can go wrong if Norman Price is around, Eh?"

"I see, sir."

"Anyway, I'll give him the good news."

Elvis could see that Sam looked worried that Chief Fire Officer Boyce was going to say something to him that would hurt his feelings. He looked around for the Chief Fire Officer, but nowhere to be seen around the garage. So, he walked over to Sam and placed his hand on his shoulder from behind. "Don't worry, Sam. It wasn't anything to do with you." Elvis said.

"Thanks, Elvis. I was just thinking about the time I got fired by mistake after Flex Dexter tried to get me in trouble for my safety checks during the movie."

"I know, Sam. Why don't we go get the sofa set up for Arnold, and enjoy some tea?"

"I'm thinking that's probably a good idea, Elvis."

Sam and Elvis walked out of the garage upstairs to the Kitchen, they have worked really hard to find their missing firefighter. It was a really long night. Sam and Elvis made it up to the kitchen to see that the tea was already made. So, they worked on setting up the Sofa for Arnold before he arrived.

Out on the road from Cardiff in Newtown,

Ellie and Penny were bringing Arnold home after he was taken to a hospital in Cardiff following his disappearance. Arnold looked out the window of Jupiter and could see the moon shining bright. Penny was following behind in Venus while Ellie was driving the station's pride. She could see that Arnold looked upset. So, she pulled over just outside the path to Pontypandy and moved over to him. "What's wrong, Arnold? You look a bit down." she asked.

"I-I was just thinking that when I disappeared in Cardiff, I was thinking that it was my fault I got lost. I felt so bad after I fell off of the can in the alley."

"Oh, Arnold. You'll be alright. We're almost to the station. Sam and Elvis will have the sofa set for you to rest your ankle."

"Thanks, Ellie."

Ellie pulled Arnold into a hug and Arnold held on before Penny called from Venus on the phone to text them that they were late. Arnold decided to let Ellie drive all the way back to the Fire Station. Penny followed behind them along the road, they have made it back to Pontypandy in 4 hours, it is now 1:30 am in Wales, and Arnold was tired.

Back at the Fire Station,

Sam and Elvis finished setting up the sofa when they saw Chief Fire Officer Boyce. They stood at attention and Chief Fire Officer Boyce could see that they saw him. He looked around and couldn't see Penny, Ellie, or Arnold anywhere in the station. "Stand at ease, you two." he said.

Sam and Elvis were at ease and Chief Fire Officer Boyce looked at Sam. He could see in his eyes that something had hit him hard. "Sam, you alright? You look like I'm about to fire you." He asked.

"No, sir. I was still thinking about that time you fired me, and then after James sent in the evidence, you welcomed me back to the team."

"Of course you were. I never should've doubted you."

"I agree, sir."

"Anyway, I just want to say what a magnificent job you did when searching for Firefighter McKinley in Cardiff, the emergency services called me to tell you that you were smart with bringing Mountain Rescue to the situation."

"Yes, sir. Tom heard the news and he climbed aboard and joined us with Saturn. Elvis saw him from a nearby river. We found him in an alleyway."

"I can see that, Fireman Sam. You, and the other firefighters have done a lot of hard work up there, even if it was a bit rough on the way there."

Just as they were talking, they heard Jupiter and Venus arrive at the station. Penny, Ellie, and Arnold have just got back from the hospital in Cardiff and Ellie had to help Arnold up the stairs to the lounge area. Penny was bringing in his travel bags with his Fire Service Backpack. Sam and Elvis took one bag each to let Penny help Ellie with Arnold. "Thanks, everyone. I couldn't have made it home without the help of you all." Arnold said as Ellie made sure he was comfortable on the sofa.

"Not a problem, Arnold. We're just doing our jobs." Sam called from the storage closet.

Elvis passed him a cup of tea and Station Officer Steele came up to see him again. He walked over to the sofa and sat down next to him with Ellie on the other side. "Arnold, I'm so sorry that you were lost in Cardiff." said Station Officer Steele looking apologetic.

"That's okay, sir. I think I had a wonderful time."

Everyone else joined in with the other three on the sofa and turned on the news to see the news story of Arnold missing in Cardiff. The Sky News reporters read out loud on the TV: "At 5:00 pm this evening, Pontypandy Firefighter Arnold McKinley was reported missing in Cardiff. He was on holiday from the small town. after he received a text from his local bus driver that he couldn't make it, Firefighter McKinley was lost in Cardiff. and at around 9:15 pm, he was found at last in an alleyway just near Cardiff Central Station."

Sam looked at the map and was right for where Tom and Elvis found him. Sam showed Station Officer Steele and he was surprised with what the map had shown. The news kept on going with the reporters reading a statement from the South Wales Police "In a Statement, the South Wales Emergency services say quote, While we were unable to find Firefighter McKinley after the driver had called it in, the Pontypandy Fire Service was called in to find him. We are grateful that he is safe, and back home in Pontypandy. Reporting Live in Cardiff, Kay Burley, for Sky News."

Sam turned the TV off and Arnold looked at him and asked him. "What was that all about, Sam?"

"You were missing and the media managed to get a hold of this once we called them. They called the South Wales Emergency Services for a statement, and we are lucky to have you home."

Ellie wrapped Arnold in a blanket and Station Officer Steele decided that he should let his new recruit rest up for the night. Sam and the others went to the sleeping quarters and gone to bed as well. Ellie stayed with Arnold, but before she could. She would have to ask Station officer Steele and Chief Fire Officer Boyce. "Sir, is it ok if I stay with Arnold for 2 weeks? I think he may need help getting home after his long rest." she asked quietly.

"Excellent idea, Firefighter Phillips. You will need to make sure that Arnold is safe." Station Officer Steele.

Ellie went back to help Arnold with his injury and fell asleep on the bean bags beside the Sofa. Arnold managed to reach out his hand to Ellie. She grabbed hold of it, and Arnold opened his eyes and looked at her. "Thanks for looking after me, Ellie." he said tiredly.

"No problem, Arnold. I'm just pleased that you're home again."

"Yeah, Pontypandy is my home indeed. I'm glad to be home."

Arnold, Ellie, and the rest of the Fire Station were asleep after a long day of hard work. Penny was thinking about what could be the next thing that could go wrong when Norman Price is up to trouble tomorrow. Sam was just happy to have Arnold back home in their Station, and Elvis was already asleep with Station Officer Steele. Chief Fire Officer Boyce had gone back to Newtown Fire Station. 

Fireman Sam: Arnold, lost in CardiffWhere stories live. Discover now