Mission: Find Arnold

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It had been 20 minutes since he was supposed to arrive back in Pontypandy, Arnold was still in Cardiff over in an alley after he sprained his ankle without looking where he was going. He managed to keep his ankle taped until Sam or the Cardiff Emergency Services could find him. He felt like he needed to find his exact location. So, he reached for his phone only to find out that it had run out of power. Oh no, I can't get any power to my phone to call Sam. he said to himself.

Outside the Millennium Center,

Sam was pulling into the area on Mercury with Penny in Venus, Ellie in Jupiter, Elvis in Hydrus, and Tom in Wallaby 2. The Cardiff emergency services joined in the search party. "Ok, we know that Arnold is here in the city, but we don't know where." Sam said as he grabbed the tablet from Mercury.

"Penny, you will check over by the golf club."

Penny was looking at Sam while sent to her area to search. "Roger that, Sam."

"Ellie, you will need to check by the hotel where he was staying at."

"Roger that, Sam."

Sam looked at Elvis to send him to find Arnold, then at his tablet from Mercury. "Elvis, you need to check the fields and lakes in the park. He could be anywhere."

"Roger that, Sam."

Elvis was on his way to the fields, then Sam looked up to find Tom in Wallaby 2. "Tom, you will be our eye in the sky. If you see him, let us know."

"Roger that, Sam."

"I'll go to the train station to do a search of the Area. The Police will be around the area to find him. Arnold could be anywhere injured and freezing. We need to find him, and fast."

Soon, the Pontypandy Fire Service, Mountain Rescue, and the Cardiff emergency services were all looking for Arnold. He was somewhere beyond the Millennium Centre in a hidden alley behind a dustbin. Arnold looked around, then he found no one who could find him. Oh, I hope Sam finds me soon. It's starting to get cold here. He muttered shivering. Arnold began to find some ways to keep him warm.

Meanwhile, Sam was at the station on the hunt for his fellow firefighter. He looked around after he had searched the Area on Mercury. He decided to see if his crew had found him. "I'm at the train station, there's no sign of him. Penny, any luck?" He called on the radio.

Penny was out on the golf club. "We're at the golf club. He hasn't been there, nothing yet. Ellie, anything on your side." She asked.

Ellie was out near the hotel he was staying at. She had found that he went towards Sam's area. "Nothing yet, but I heard from the Manager that he was out near Cardiff Central waiting for Trevor's bus."

"Thanks, Ellie."

Elvis looked to find someone in an alley near the river. He reached for his radio to call Sam. "Sam, I've located someone near the River in an alley. It could be Arnold. Can you go and check it out?" he said over the radio.

"On my way, Elvis."

Sam went off to the alley on Mercury to see if Arnold was there. Meanwhile, Arnold was keeping warm with a jacket he was wearing for the holiday. He managed to write in his diary. Dear diary, today marks Day 2 of my holiday in Cardiff, I was heading to the train station to wait for Trevor after he texted me saying he was going to be late after his bus was stuck in the mud. I went out to find the station, but ended up near the Cardiff Fire Academy. I soon found myself lost and I have now hurt my ankle as I was in an alley not watching where I was going. I am now stuck with my bags and nowhere to go. I hope that Fireman Sam finds me soon. Arnold. He soon heard the sound of a helicopter overhead with its searchlight on. "I know that sound. It's Tom!" he shouted to himself. "Help, I'm over here!" he called overhead. Tom could see movement on his heat seeking scanner. He managed to find an alley. He soon realized that Arnold was there. So, he called for Sam to meet him there. "Wallaby 2 to Fireman Sam." He called on his radio.

"Hi, Tom. Have you found him?"

"Yes, Sam. I found him in an alley near the radio station. He might need medical attention. You need to hurry."

"Don't worry, Tom. We're on our way."

Sam decided to call everyone to his location. Cardiff emergency services joined the Pontypandy Fire Service to close the area where he was at. Sam reached for his radio to make the call. "Penny, Ellie, Elvis. You heard Tom. He's found Arnold in an alley near the radio station." Sam said over the radio.

"Roger that, Sam." they all said.

Tom was in the air with his light on Arnold. Arnold was unable to move to a different area, he hurt his ankle on the way back to Pontypandy. I hope I can find a way out of here. He called to himself. He soon heard the sound of the Siren for Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Hydrus, and the emergency services in Cardiff. Sam came over to him so he could sit down next to him. "Sam, you've found me. I was so worried." he said to his leading firefighter.

"I was worried too."

"I know, but I hurt my ankle as I was walking to the train station so I could get back to Pontypandy."

"I know, Arnold. Penny will soon have you on your way."

Arnold was pleased that they found him. He had no idea what Station Officer Steele would say after he got lost, it was his first time alone in Cardiff. Soon, Venus pulled into the alley followed by Jupiter. Penny and Ellie grabbed the first aid bag and walked over to Arnold who was sitting right next to Sam. Penny soon set her first aid bag down. "Hello, Arnold." she said to her missing firefighter.

"Hello, Penny. I'm so glad you found me."

"Me too, Arnold. Me too."

Ellie was so happy that Arnold was safe. She decided to help him with his bags into Jupiter's lockers. "Do you mind if I put your bags in Jupiter, Arnold?" she asked her fellow recruit.

"Go ahead, Ellie."

Penny soon opened the first aid bag and reached for her stethoscope so she can check to see if he is alright. "Ok, Arnold. I just need to check to make sure you're Ok. try not to make your injury worse. I just need to listen to your heart, it might be a little cold." She said.

"Ok, Penny."

Sam was trying to find out how Arnold hurt his ankle, but he then saw the can by Venus and he tossed it into the recycle bin. He was not pleased with other people leaving some rubbish in the path. "I think Arnold had a bit of trouble with the map, and he lost his balance on the can right there." He said to Ellie.


"Yeah, but I'm sure he's fine. He'll just need to go up to hospital for a while."

Moments later, Elvis showed up to check to see if there was anything they needed. "Anything you need here, Sam?" he asked his friend.

"Yes, Elvis. I think we need to fetch some blankets for Arnold because it's cold out here. I don't want him getting a nasty chill."

"Ok, Sam."

Elvis went to fetch some blankets while Penny had finished checking over Arnold for any other injuries. She was surprised at how he managed to keep warm without any fire service equipment. "Sam, I think Arnold needs to go up to the hospital. I have a feeling he hurt his ankle while on his way to the train station." she said as she started to help Arnold to the Ambulance out on the road out of the Alley.

"I think you're right, Penny. I'll call Station Officer Steele to let him know that Arnold is safe and in the hospital."

"Ok, Sam."

Penny turned to her partner. They were soon heading towards the ambulance. "Come on, Arnold. I'll help you to the ambulance as you have hurt your ankle."

"Thanks, Penny."

Arnold and Penny walked over to the ambulance out near the river, and he was on his way to Cardiff Hospital. Sam was reaching for his phone to call Station Officer Steele about Arnold. It had been about 2 Hours since he went missing in Cardiff, it was a long day for them, and Arnold is now located safe and sound.

Fireman Sam: Arnold, lost in CardiffWhere stories live. Discover now