Hospital for Arnold

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At the Fire Station, Chief Fire Officer Boyce arrived after he heard that one of his firefighters was missing in Cardiff. He was worried about a different ending for Arnold after he had been lost in the city. He went to the garage to find the other firefighters, but when he got there, all of the vehicles were gone except for Phoenix. So, he went up to find Station Officer Steele in his Office. He was surprised when his superior officer walked in. "Aah, Oh, it's you, sir." he said surprised.

"Indeed, it is, Norris. I heard that firefighter McKinley was missing in Cardiff after his holiday while waiting for the bus back to Pontypandy. Am I right?"

"Oh, I can say that you are correct. I sent Fireman Sam with the rest of the crew to find him."

Chief Fire Officer Boyce was surprised that Sam and the others went to find him, he knew that he wouldn't want one of his firefighters to get hurt at this time of night. So, he looked around, then he looked back at Station Officer Steele. "Have they located him yet, Norris?" He asked while looking at the map of Cardiff.

Station Officer Steele paused for a moment, then he began to stutter. "Oh, Well I, uh. I haven't heard from Sam yet."

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, the radio came to life and Sam was calling the station. "Fireman Sam to Pontypandy Fire Station, come in." Sam called over the radio.

Both senior officers paused what they were doing and looked at the control desk, they soon found out that Sam was trying to call them by radio. Station Officer Steele walked over to the controls and picked up the headset, he soon found out that it was Sam in Cardiff. "Fireman Sam?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. I am very happy to inform you that we have found Arnold, and he will be home soon, right now he needs to go to hospital as he is injured."

Station Officer Steele was looking back at Chief Fire Officer Boyce giving him the thumbs up knowing that they have found Arnold. Chief Fire Officer Boyce was relieved that they carried out a successful rescue. Station Officer Steele later asked him the status of his condition. "Sam, I have Chief Fire Officer Boyce with me at the Station. He wants to know the current condition for Arnold. Can you give me an update?"

There was radio silence for a moment, then Sam came back on to tell him the status. "I can tell you right now that he sprained his ankle in an alleyway near the bus stop, he was walking to. Right now, Penny is following the Ambulance in Venus so that Arnold can get to the hospital safely."

Station Officer Steele was worried that one of his firefighters was hurt, he soon found out that it was just a sprained ankle and that Arnold will soon be back to work. He soon turned to face his Chief Fire Officer to signal that Arnold had hurt his ankle. He then returned to finish his radio call with Sam. "Ok, Sam. Understood, out."

Out in Cardiff, Sam had finished his call to the Fire Station when Ellie walked up to him with Elvis, and some evidence. "Sam, Elvis and I have found something right next to Jupiter." Ellie said as they showed Sam the piece that they found.

Sam was surprised by what they had found. He looked at them, then back at the evidence. "What is this, Ellie?" he asked.

"I don't know, Sam. I think it's more like a piece of string to me."

Sam looked at it, then he pulled hard. It was hard to determine what it was, but it turned out it was some string. "I can now say that it is a piece of string, and I'm not sure how it happened." he told the others.

Elvis looked at his friends, then at the string, then back at his friends. He was surprised that this would happen to his fellow firefighter. "I'm beginning to agree with you right here, Sam."

Ellie couldn't help but worry about her best friend who finished his training at the Newtown Fire Academy with her before they joined the Pontypandy Fire Service at the grand opening of their new Fire Station. So, she decided to meet them at the Hospital in Jupiter. "Sam, I'm going to meet them at the Hospital." She called to her leading firefighter in charge.

Sam was beginning to wonder why Ellie was heading over there, then he found out. "Ok, Ellie. Call me when you're on your way back to Pontypandy."

"I will, Sam. I promise."

Ellie soon drove away to the hospital in Jupiter where Penny and Arnold were. She decided to call Penny to find out which hospital they were at.

Out on the road, Venus was following the ambulance to the hospital after Penny told the paramedics that she was following them all the way there. Arnold was in an ambulance heading for the hospital after he sprained his ankle. Penny wasn't sure if it was broken or bruised, she decided that it was the right decision to drive up to the hospital. He was with an emergency medical technician or EMT with a paramedic behind the wheel of the ambulance, they were surprised about how he hurt his ankle as he was reported missing. "How's the night been going so far, Arnold?" asked the EMT.

Arnold couldn't figure out how to answer the question. He then thought on how to answer the question. "Well, I can say it was pretty much more of an eventful night than I thought it would be."

"Oh, I heard that you're a firefighter, is that right?"

Arnold was surprised, he didn't know that the ambulance crew worked with the other emergency services. He then knew that the best way to know more is to ask a question. So, he answered the question following his question. "Yes. How did you figure that out?"

"Well, let's just say that your backpack has the fire service logo on one of the pockets."

"Oh, Right. I didn't see that. I forgot."

"Most of us forget sometimes. Sometimes you just need to know a few things especially if you are going on holiday."

"I know, I've never been to Cardiff before, so I brought a map which the hotel provided to me when I arrived. I actually had it upside down, and I stepped on a can which was followed by something long tied to a pole. It looked like some string, but I'm not sure."

"Sometimes we all need to find our way through the toughest areas of the city."

They were soon approaching the ambulance parking at the hospital outside the A&E unit which is the emergency room. "We're here." The driver called.

Arnold was soon met with Penny outside the Ambulance with Venus parked in the car park a few minutes from the building. "Ok, Arnold. I hope it's not too bad. Station Officer Steele is waiting to hear the news." Penny said as she was helping Arnold into the building.

"Ok, Penny. I hope it's not too bad."

"Me too, Arnold. Me too."

They both walked into the building with the paramedics to see if Arnold had broken it or bruised. Just as they were in the room after they have checked in, Ellie pulled into the Hospital parking area in Jupiter. Penny was surprised, she didn't know that Ellie was worried about her best friend since they met at the academy in Newtown. "Sorry, Penny. Sam said I could join you. We managed to find a piece of string which was tied to a pole. I'm not sure how it happened, but I think it was there before Arnold came by." She said as she sat down by Arnold.

"That's alright, Ellie. I was just thinking about that, because we know that Arnold wasn't looking at the map right, and he was not looking where he was going."

Ellie was relieved that Penny wouldn't be concerned about why she was here. Then, she turned to Arnold who was on the hospital bed thinking about the possibility of him having his ankle broken.

"Oh, I hope you're alright, Arnold. I was beginning to worry about you." Ellie said with a firm hand on his shoulder.

Arnold was surprised, he didn't know that Ellie had been worried about him since he was missing in the city. He looked at her as if he wanted to thank her. "Thanks, Ellie. I was thinking the same thing."

Soon, they were waiting for someone to see what the injuries were that Arnold had encountered. It was almost dark, he was thinking about the possibility of staying overnight in Cardiff again after his night at the Hotel.

Fireman Sam: Arnold, lost in CardiffWhere stories live. Discover now